[[http://maja.zesoi.fer.hr/~ppale/index_english.htm|Predrag Pale]] has strong interest in applying ICT to education since early 1990-ies. He is experimenting((some insight in his work can be acquired by visiting some of the subjects he teaches: * [[http://spvp.zesoi.fer.hr/|Communication technologies for measurement and control systems]] * [[http://pvprm.zesoi.fer.hr/|Multimedia principles]] * [[http://ppmps.zesoi.fer.hr/|Software design for measurement and control systems]] )) with usage of web, multimedia, copmuter based assesmet and other methods of using ICT in his educational work both at the [[http://www.unizg.hr|University of Zagreb]] and elsewhere. He regularly speaks((most of his public presentations can be found at his [[http://maja.zesoi.fer.hr/~ppale/papers|university home page]])) about the need to rethink education in view of new technologies and globalization.