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instructional_design:goal_based_scenarios [2011/05/11 09:00]
jpetrovic [General]
instructional_design:goal_based_scenarios [2023/06/19 18:03] (current)
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 ===== What are goal-based scenarios? ===== ===== What are goal-based scenarios? =====
-Schank ​believes ​that learning in school is unsuccessful for children since it replaces natural learning goals by artificial ones. Instead of learning to be able to do something, children learn in order to please the teacher, get good grades, or in order get into a good college. Goal-based scenarios serve here as a mean of achieving educational purposes by attempting to achieve set goal of the scenario.+Schank ​starts from the assumption ​that
-When designing ​a goal-based scenario, following steps should be followed:+  * "//​every aspect of human behavior involves the pursuit of goals.//"​ and "//If goals are at the base of the human thought process, then it follows that learning must be a goal-dominated arena as well.//"​(([[http://​​624/​1/​V11ANSEK.html|Schank,​ Roger, C. Goal-Based Scenarios. 1992.]]))
-  * **Identify target skills** independent of context ​which should be learned (practical or intellectual). For example cost accounting, or teaching Newton'​s second law.  +Learning in school is unsuccessful for children since it replaces natural learning goals which were fostered ​by curiosity and desire to learn the world by artificial goals assigned ​to them by someone elseInstead of learning to be able to do something, children at that time start to learn in order to please ​the teacher, get good grades, or in order get into good collegeGoal-based scenarios serve here as a mean of achieving educational purposes by attempting ​to achieve set of scenario goals which are more meaningful and motivating for the learners.
-  * **Developing tasks** or activities that will require those skills in a domain selected ​by the students. Tasks can be real or play-acting,​ yet students must want to achieve to solve them. For example cost accounting with respect to various government regulations. +
-  * Choose a **focus**. +
-  * **Create a story** surrounding tasks or activities. +
-  * **Build ​learning ​environment** ​to support target skills. +
-  * Assign roles to the learners ​in a single or group situation that develops **towards accomplishing the task**. +
-  * Explain the task to the students and encourage them to pursue its goals. +
-  * **Help students** as soon as they encounter a problem+
 +Essential elements of a goal-based scenario are(([[http://​​books?​id=AbJc4Kg6XQoC&​pg=PA161&​dq=Schank+%22learning+by+doing%22&​hl=hr&​ei=bUTKTZDhFJGbOqunodMH&​sa=X&​oi=book_result&​ct=book-preview-link&​resnum=4&​ved=0CEMQuwUwAw#​v=onepage&​q=Schank%20%22learning%20by%20doing%22&​f=false|Schank,​ R. C., T. R. Berman, and K. A. Macpherson. Learning by doing. In Instructional-design theories and models: Vol. 2, a  new paradigm of instructional theory, p161-181. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999.]])):
 +  * **Learning goals** - target skills that students should learn. They can refer to procedural or declarative knowledge.
 +  * **Mission** - motivational and realistic objective students will pursue.
 +  * **Cover story** - a motivating story that will create and explain the need for the mission.
 +  * **Role** - the character a student will play. It has to require target skills.
 +  * **Scenario operations** - all activities students will perform in order to fulfill the mission.
 +  * **Resources** - well organized and accessible information sources students will need to acquire target skills.
 +  * **Feedback** - must be provided just in time by and expert in form of coaching, consequence of actions or stories about similar experiences. ​
 +Proponents of goal-based scenarios emphasize the effect goal-based scenarios have on motivation and thereby enhance learning. One of the conducted studies(([[http://​​mediaresearch/​zumbach/​download/​1999_2006/​book_chapters/​zumbach_bookc_02.pdf|Zumbach,​ J., and P. Reimann. Assessment of a goal-based scenario approach: A hypermedia comparison. Internet-based teaching and learning (IN-TELE) 98: 449–454. 1999.]])) for example found positive effects on learning of a hypertext presented information source embedded in a goal-based scenario compared to classical tutorial or just the hypertext.
 ===== What is the practical meaning of goal-based scenarios? ===== ===== What is the practical meaning of goal-based scenarios? =====
 +A goal-based scenario described by Schank(([[http://​​624/​1/​V11ANSEK.html|Schank,​ Roger, C. Goal-Based Scenarios. 1992.]])):
 +"//​Develop a mutant bacterial strain capable of producing human insulin in sufficient quantity to meet the needs of a diabetic patient.//"​
-In 1991 [[​biography-part2.html|Roger Schank]] created ​goal-based scenario named "​Broadcast News"This multimedia environment including facilities for editing text and video, old newspapers articles and newscasts, reference works, a telepromptervideo camera, and a computer-controlled VCR enables students ​to work on a virtual newscast, ​develop ​story lines using information from database (usually from a day before), and compare them with a real newscast for the same eventAs the result, students ​have eventually developed adequate ​skills ​to deliver the news as professionals. +"//This GBS would be presented in the following termsThe human body contains a gland called the pancreasCertain cells in the pancreas produce and secrete ​hormone called insulinJohnny'​s pancreas does not produce enough insulinso Johnny has dangerous condition called diabetes. To avoid the symptoms of diabetesJohnny must take insulin every day. How can he get enough insulin? YOUR ASSIGNMENT is to develop a way to make bacteria produce insulin that you can give to JohnnyIn the course of working through this GBS, students ​could learn the following ​skills://"
-===== Criticisms =====+
 +  * "//​Distinguish proteins from other macromolecules,​ use a centrifuge (in theory), apply operon model to inducible and repressible systems, interpret replica plates, map genes on chromosomes,​ construct plasmids, distinguish among organelles, regulate carbohydrate metabolism, culture bacteria, operate a chemostat, interpret chemical equations, make restriction maps, analyze enzyme kinetics, sequence proteins, sequence nucleic acids, crack the genetic code, create a "​designer gene", interpret base composition data, apply diffusion equations, evaluate membrane transport data, do pH calculations and prepare nutrient media for bacterial growth.//"​
 +In 1991 [[http://​​biography-part2.html|Roger Schank]] created a goal-based scenario named **"​Broadcast News"​**. This multimedia environment including facilities for editing text and video, old newspapers articles and newscasts, reference works, a teleprompter,​ video camera, and a computer-controlled VCR enables students to work on a virtual newscast, develop story lines using information from a database (usually from a day before), and compare them with a real newscast for the same event. As the result, students have eventually developed adequate skills to deliver the news as professionals.
 +For an example of implementation of a computer implementation of goal-based scenarios see work of Qiu and Riesbeck(([[http://​​~lqiu/​indie/​publications/​e-learn2002.pdf|Qiu,​ L., and C. K Riesbeck. Open Goal-Based Scenarios: An Architecture for Hybrid Learning Environments. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (E-Learn), Montreal, Canada, 2002.]])).
 +===== Criticisms =====
 +A recent study of goal-based scenarios(([[http://​​wp-content/​uploads/​2011/​03/​Hsu-Moore-Apr2011.pdf|Hsu,​ Chung-Yuan, and David Richard Moore. Formative research on the goal-based scenario model applied to computer delivery and simulation. The Journal of Applied Instructional Design 1, no. 1: 13-24. April 2011.]])) indicated that users of this method of learning would benefit from worked examples, detailed positive or negative feedback and small-group discussions of open-ended questions. Yet these are mostly proven methods of guided cognitivist learning approaches which often contribute less to motivation but more to learning outcomes.
 ===== Keywords and most important names ===== ===== Keywords and most important names =====
-  * **Goal-based scenarios**+  * **Goal-based scenarios**, **learning goals**
   * [[http://​​url?​sa=t&​source=web&​cd=2&​ved=0CCsQFjAB&​​rct=j&​q=Roger%20C.%20Schank&​ei=n0bJTZ_0J4jpOdmwodAH&​usg=AFQjCNHjy3-XlPBqLalctMxKl70XyxVkWw&​cad=rja|Roger Schank]]   * [[http://​​url?​sa=t&​source=web&​cd=2&​ved=0CCsQFjAB&​​rct=j&​q=Roger%20C.%20Schank&​ei=n0bJTZ_0J4jpOdmwodAH&​usg=AFQjCNHjy3-XlPBqLalctMxKl70XyxVkWw&​cad=rja|Roger Schank]]
 ===== Bibliography ===== ===== Bibliography =====
 +[[http://​​624/​1/​V11ANSEK.html|Schank,​ Roger C. Goal-based scenarios. Northwestern University, 1992.]]
 [[http://​​635/​1/​CBRMeetsLBD_for_Leake.html|Schank,​ Roger C. Goal-Based Scenarios: ​ Case-Based Reasoning Meets Learning by Doing. ​ In: David Leake (ed)  Case-Based Reasoning: Experiences,​ Lessons & Future Directions. AAAI Press/The MIT Press, p295-347. 1996.]] [[http://​​635/​1/​CBRMeetsLBD_for_Leake.html|Schank,​ Roger C. Goal-Based Scenarios: ​ Case-Based Reasoning Meets Learning by Doing. ​ In: David Leake (ed)  Case-Based Reasoning: Experiences,​ Lessons & Future Directions. AAAI Press/The MIT Press, p295-347. 1996.]]
-[[http://​​id23.html|Best Teachers Institute: Goal Based Scenarios.]] 
 ===== Read more ===== ===== Read more =====
-Schank, R.C., Fano, A., Bell, B. and Jona, M. The Design of Goal-Based Scenarios. The Journal of the Learning Sciences. Vol. 3:4, pp. 305-345. 1993-1994.+[[http://​​pss/​1466619|Schank, R.C., Fano, A., Bell, B. and Jona, M. The Design of Goal-Based Scenarios. The Journal of the Learning Sciences. Vol. 3:4, pp. 305-345. 1993-1994.]]
-Padmanabhan,​ Poornima P. Goal-based ​Scenarios. Technical Communication,​ Vol. 56, No. 2., p132-136. May 2009.+[[http://​​record/​display.url?​eid=2-s2.0-68349093977&​origin=resultslist&​sort=plf-f&​src=s&​st1=Goal-based+scenarios%3a+An+approach+to+online+instruction+and+training&​sid=5T5dcE2pa7IW3zwRAC70r5F%3a130&​sot=q&​sdt=b&​sl=88&​s=TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH%28Goal-based+scenarios%3a+An+approach+to+online+instruction+and+training%29&​relpos=0&​relpos=0&​searchTerm=TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH%28Goal-based%20scenarios:​%20An%20approach%20to%20online%20instruction%20and%20training%29|Padmanabhan,​ Poornima P. Goal-based ​scenarios: An approach to online instruction and training. Technical Communication,​ Vol. 56, No. 2., p132-136. May 2009.]]
-Abelson, Robert P. and Schank, Roger C. Beliefs, reasoning, and decision making: psycho-logic in honor of Bob Abelson. Psychology Press. 1994. 
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