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instructional_design:simulation-based_learning [2011/05/09 14:48]
jpetrovic [What is simulation-based learning?]
instructional_design:simulation-based_learning [2023/06/19 18:03]
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-====== Simulation-Based Learning ====== 
-===== General ===== 
-Simulation-based learning is a [[learning_paradigms:​constructivism|constructivist]] learning model that provides learners with an experience of working on an usually simplified **simulated world or system**. This approach, widely adopted in military and aviation "//to maximize training safety and minimize risk//"​(([[https://​​nrp/​simulation/​Ethics.pdf|Ziv,​ A., P. R Wolpe, S. D Small, and S. Glick. Simulation-based medical education: an ethical imperative. Simulation in Healthcare 1, no. 4: 252. 2006.]])), is today used extensively,​ especially in the medical education. 
-===== What is simulation-based learning? ===== 
-Simulation-based learning today mostly relies on usage of computers and advanced technologies to provide a near authentic experience for the user. As a learning tool, simulations mostly rely on some other learning theory and implement its principles. 
-Yet what is characteristic for simulation-based learning is the discovery that system representations are often to complex and difficult for a novice to facilitate his learning. Even though principles of human cognitive structure and methods of reducing cognitive load were taken into account while designing a simulation, it has been shown that learners are still frequently unable to successfully relate multiple representation elements to each other.This issue can be described in the context of prior knowledge as well.(([[http://​​cogsci2004/​papers/​paper228.pdf|Bodemer,​ D. Enhancing Simulation-Based Learning through Active External Integration of Representations. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 138–143, 2005.]])) Two successful ways of dealing with this issue have been proposed so far: 
-  * **active integration** of representations into complex system by the learner (for example link names of the elements to their symbol representations)(([[http://​​cogsci2004/​papers/​paper228.pdf|Bodemer,​ D. Enhancing Simulation-Based Learning through Active External Integration of Representations. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 138–143, 2005.]])), or 
-  * **model progression**,​ or starting with a simple simulation models and then slowly increasing their complexity(([[http://​​files/​library/​White_Frederiksen-1990-causal-model-progressions.pdf|White,​ B. Y. and Frederiksen,​ J. R. Causal model progressions as a foundation for intelligent learning environments. Artificial Intelligence,​ 42, p99–157. 1990.]]))(([[http://​​doi/​10.1111/​j.1365-2648.2010.05338.x/​abstract|Brydges,​ Ryan, Heather Carnahan, Don Rose, and Adam Dubrowski. Comparing self‐guided learning and educator‐guided learning formats for simulation‐based clinical training. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66, no. 8: 1832-1844. August 1, 2010.]])) 
-Simulation-based learning can also be guided or unguided, yet research has shown that instructional help in form of hypotheses to prove and interpreting or assignments to complete can be useful(([[http://​​tecfa/​teaching/​aei/​papiers/​deJong.pdf|de Jong, T., & van Joolingen, W. R. Scientific discovery learning with computer simulations of conceptual domains. Review of Educational Research. 1997.]]))(([[http://​​PDFS/​ED398900.pdf|Swaak,​ Janine, and And Others. Support for Simulation-Based Learning; The Effects of Model Progression and Assignments on Learning about Oscillatory Motion., March 1996.]])). 
-This may result ​ 
-can be very different in their nature, suggestions for their improvement or representations usage are domain-dependent(([[http://​​60341/​1/​thesis_B_Kolloffel.pdf|Kollöffel,​ Bas Jan. Getting the picture : the role of external representations in simulation-based inquiry learning. University of Twente, 2008.]])). ​   
-Proponents of simulation-based learning suggest that simulation-based learning enhances **//​intuitive knowledge//​** or //implicit knowledge//​. This knowledge is hard to verbalize and is available immediately when needed or not at all and often refers to students comprehension of quantitative relations between simulation parameters. 
-===== What is the practical example of simulation-based learning? ===== 
-Simulation-based learning **examples** can today often be found in **medical education**(([[http://​​doi/​10.1046/​j.1365-2923.37.s1.10.x/​full|Issenberg,​ S. B., Pringle, S., Harden, R. M., Khogali, S. and Gordon, M. S. Adoption and integration of simulation-based learning technologies into the curriculum of a UK Undergraduate Education Programme. Medical Education 37, no. s1: p42-49. November 2003.]])) where it has given very good results(([[http://​​doi/​10.1111/​j.1365-2929.2006.02528.x/​pdf|McGaghie,​ W. C., Issenberg, S. B., Petrusa, E. R.  and Scalese, R. J. Effect of practice on standardised learning outcomes in simulation-based medical education. Medical Education 40, no. 8: p792-797. August 2006.]])). An example of this is "​[[http://​​HARVEY/​harvey.cfm|Harvey]]",​ a cardiology patient simulator. A recent study(([[http://​​lehre/​literatur/​container_journal_club/​Simulation-based_training.pdf|Steadman,​ Randolph, H., Coates, Wendy C., Huang, Y. M., Matevosian, R., Larmon, Baxter R., McCullough, L. and Ariel, D. Simulation-based training is superior to problem-based learning for the acquisition of critical assessment and management skills. Critical Care Medicine 34, no. 1: p151-157. January 2006.]])) has further showed the superiority of simulation-based learning to [[instructional_design:​problem-based learning]] (also applied in medicine schools) in case of learning of critical assessment and management skills. 
-===== Criticisms ===== 
-Many previous studies in this area found that, at least for **novice learners**, simulation-based learning is **hard** and that they **have problems** in establishing goals and their results in learning through simulation((Glaser,​ R., Schauble, L., Raghavan, K., & Zeitz, C. Scientific reasoning across different domains. In E. de Corte, M. Linn, H. Mandl and L. Verschaffel (Eds.), Computer-based learning environments and problem solving (NATO ASI series F: Computer and Systems Series) (p345–373). Berlin: Springer. 1992.))(([[http://​​~conati/​522/​532b/​papers/​SmithTown.pdf|Shute,​ V. J., & Glaser, R. A large-scale evaluation of an intelligent discovery world: Smithtown. Interactive Learning Environments,​ 1, p51–77. 1990.]])) or that they have **problems with verbalizing** results and **gained knowledge**(([[http://​​26419/​1/​K26419__.PDF|Njoo,​ M., and De Jong, T. Exploratory learning with a computer simulation for control theory: Learning processes and instructional support. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 30, p821–844. 1993.]])). It seemed that **richness of the information** a student can extract from a simulation makes his **learning more difficult**. ​ 
-===== Keywords ===== 
-  * **Simulation-based leaning** 
-===== Bibliography ===== 
-[[http://​​ERICWebPortal/​contentdelivery/​servlet/​ERICServlet?​accno=ED398900|Swaak,​ J., van Joolingena, Wouter R. and de Jong, T. Supporting simulation-based learning; the effects of model progression and assignments on definitional and intuitive knowledge. Learning and Instruction,​ 8(3), p235-252. June 1998.]] 
-===== Read more ===== 
-[[http://​​books?​id=AQUN0StHHPIC&​printsec=frontcover&​dq=Design+and+production+of+multimedia+and+simulation-based+learning+material&​hl=hr&​ei=4snHTeOVI8ztOaik6fYB&​sa=X&​oi=book_result&​ct=result&​resnum=1&​ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#​v=onepage&​q&​f=false|Jong de, T., and Sarti, L. Design and production of multimedia and simulation-based learning material. Kluwer Academic Publishers Group. 1994.]] 
-[[http://​​cogsci2004/​papers/​paper228.pdf|Bodemer,​ D. Enhancing Simulation-Based Learning through Active External Integration of Representations. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 138–143, 2005.]] 
-[[https://​​bitstream/​handle/​2292/​4672/​15505666.pdf?​sequence=1|Weller,​ J., Robinson, B., Larsen, P. and Caldwell, C. Simulation-based training to improve acute care skills in medical undergraduates. The New Zealand Medical Journal 117, no. 1204: U1119. October 2004.]] 
instructional_design/simulation-based_learning.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/19 18:03 (external edit)