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knowledge_assessment:q-matrix [2012/07/11 10:12]
jpetrovic [How do I create a q-matrx?]
knowledge_assessment:q-matrix [2023/06/19 18:03]
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-==== What is a q-matrix? ==== 
-Q-matrix is a matrix describing relations of questions and concepts required for their understanding. It is a domain-independent model of knowledge represented by a binary matrix showing the relationship between test items and latent or underlying attributes, or concepts. 
-==== How does a q-matrix look like? ==== 
-Q-matrix is a M//x//N matrix, where M equals the number of questions in an assessment, and N equals the total number of concepts required for understanding all questions. The matrix element A[i,j] equals 1 if the i-th concept is required for correctly answering j-th question and 0 if the i-th concept is NOT required for correctly answering j-th question. Alternatively,​ matrix values can be not just {0,1}, but real numbers from the interval [0,1], describing the probability that a student who knows i-th concept will correctly answer j-th question. 
-==== What can I do with a q-matrix? ==== 
-==== How do I create a q-matrx? ==== 
-   * "//​method,​ which examines the inputs of many students to automatically extract relationships between questions and underlying concepts, and then uses those relationships in diagnosing and correcting student misconceptions.//"​ 
-   * domain-independent knowledge model 
-   * originally a binary matrix showing the relationship between test items and latent or underlying attributes, or concepts 
-   * To build the q-matrix, experts constructed a relationship between test questions and concepts (referred to as attributes) and students taking the test were assigned knowledge states based on their test answers and the constructed q-matrix ((see Ham85 for a discussion of item-response theory)) 
-The goal of q-matrix construction is to extract underlying, or latent, variables, which account for studentsí differential performance on questions. 
-   * Hand construction of the q-matrix by experts'​ assigning concepts to questions and then comparing student answers to closest matrix responses. Problems: a q-matrix is a much more abstract measure of the relationships of questions to concepts. We might assume that the questions designed to test students are a more accurate reflection of the teaching objectives than an abstract construct which relates questions to underlying concepts. 
-   * The alternative to this strategy is to design a method to extract a q-matrix, which explains student behavior, and reveals the underlying relationships between questions. Experts can examine the resulting q-matrix 25 to ensure that the extracted relationships seem to be valid, and then use that q-matrix to guide the generation of new problems. 
-Factor analysis: 
-How to automatically determine concepts? Using covariance matrix. Number of concepts should be smaller than number of questions. Still, this methos has proven to be less fault tollerant. 
-==== Q-matrix method ==== 
-The q-matrix method is a simple hill-climbing algorithm that creates a matrix ​ 
-representing relationships between concepts and questions directly. The algorithm varies ​ 
-c, the number of concepts, and the values in the q-matrix, minimizing the total error for  
-all students for a given set of n questions. To avoid of local minima, each hill-climbing ​ 
-search is seeded with different random Q-matrices and the best of these is kept.  
-When forming a correlation matrix, we lose individual student data in favor of calculating average relationships between questions. The q-matrix method is optimized to assign each student the most appropriate knowledge state, using all available response data for each student. 
-As Sellers found in her research, the results obtained through ​ 
-q-matrix analysis seem to describe relationships among variables in interpretable ways.  
-Factor analysis and principal components analysis, on the other hand, do not readily offer  
-interpretable results. 
-Later researchers found that, although the q-matrix model was a good way to compare student data to a concept model, expert-constructed q-matrices did not correspond to student data any better than random q-matrices did. 
-the findings in Brewer'​s previous research, which found that the factor analysis method performed poorly in comparison with the q-matrix ​ 
-method when fewer observations were available. ​ 
knowledge_assessment/q-matrix.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/19 18:03 (external edit)