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learning_paradigms:cognitivism [2011/03/08 16:11]
jpetrovic [Instructional design theories and learning models:]
learning_paradigms:cognitivism [2013/12/08 17:56]
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-====== ​Cognitivism ​======+====== ​ ​Kognitivizam  ​======
-===== About cognitivism ​=====+=====  Uvod (o kognitivizmu)  ​=====
-One of the first criticisms of [[learning_paradigms:​behaviorism|behaviorist learning]] approach came from [[learning_theories:​gestalt_psychology|gestalt psychologists]] and was related to behaviorist dependencies exclusively on overt behaviorIt was the [[:​glossary#​gestalt|gestalt]] views of learning that offered a **new approach to learning** that extended beyond behaviorism and set the **basic principles** of what is today known as **[[:​glossary#​cognition|cognitive]] theories**. In the 1960s behaviorism was as a dominant ​[[:​learning_paradigms|learning paradigm]] replaced by cognitivism.+Jedna od prvih kritika ​[[hr:learning_paradigms:​behaviorism|biheviorističkom pristupu učenja]], upućena početkom 20.-tog stoljeća, dolazi od strane ​[[hr:learning_theories:​gestalt_psychology|gestaltista]] i odnosi se usmjerenost biheviorista isključivo na vidljivo ponašanjeUpravo je [[:hr:​glossary#​gestalt|gestaltistički]] pogled na učenje utjecao na **nove pristupe**, šire od biheviorizma,​ koji su postavili ​**temeljne principe** onoga što danas nazivamo ​**[[:hr:​glossary#​cognition|kognitivnim]] teorijama učenja**. Tako je 1960-ih biheviorizam,​ do tad dominantna ​[[:hr:​learning_paradigms|paradigma učenja]], polako zamijenjen kognitivizmom
-[[:​glossary#​cognition|Cognitive]] approach to learningunlike behavioral,+[[:hr:​glossary#​cognition|Kognitivni]] pristup učenjuza razliku od biheviorističkog,
-  * sees learning as the **active** acquisition of new knowledge and developing adequate ​**mental** ​constructions+  * učenje vidi kao **aktivno** usvajanje novog znanja i razvoj adekvatnih **kognitivnih** **(mental)** konstrukcija
-  * sets the **learner** as the **locus of control** ​and not just as passive participant in the process of learning+  *  **učenika** (osobu koja uči) postavlja kao **lokus kontrole** **(locus of control)**ne kao pasivnog sudionika u procesu učenja
-  * attempts to open the "black box" of his mind and **explain** complex ​**cognitive processes**.+  * pokušava otvoriti ​"crnu kutiju"​ **(black box)** uma, **objasniti** kompleksne ** kognitivne procese** i njegovu strukturu **(arhitecture)**,​ 
 +  * učenju se okreće u vidu **uvida** **(insight)**,​ **obrade informacija** **(information processing)**,​ **pamćenja** **(memory)** i **percepcije**,​ 
 +  * naglašava ulogu **postojećeg znanja** **(prior knowledge)** i iskustva u ishodima učenja, te 
 +  * učenika vidi kao ** obrađivača i organizatora informacija**  ​**(organized information processor)**.
-Cognitivist theories emphasize the **importance of the learner**, especially his **prior knowledge and experiences** as well as his **role of an organized information processor**. 
-===== Learning theories: ​=====+=====  ​Ljudsko pamćenje  ​===== 
-  ​[[learning_theories:​Gestalt Psychology]] - [[http://​​wiki/​Max_Wertheimer|Max Wertheimer ​(1880 – 1943)]] +Ako se ulazi u analizu kognitivne strukture **(human cognitive architecture)**,​ tada je nužno u obzir uzeti i svojstva ljudskog sustava pamćenja **(human memory system)****Pamćenje** **(Memory)** je često definirano kao "//sposobnost organizma da pohrani, zadrži i dozove informacije i iskustva//"(([[​wiki/​Pam%C4%87enje|WikipediaPamćenje.]] Pribavljeno 21ožujka, 2011.)). S obzirom da ima ključnu ulogu u stjecanju **(acquisition)** i zadržavanju **(retention)** znanja **(knowledge)**,​ objektom je mnogih istraživanja i esencijalni je dio brojnih kognitivističkih teorija učenja **(cognitivist learning theories)**.
-  ​[[learning_theories:​Stage Theory of Cognitive Development]] - [[http://​​aboutPiaget.html|Jean Piaget ​(1896 - 1980)]] +
-  ​[[learning_theories:​Assimilation Theory]] - [[|David ​ Ausubel ​(1918 - 2008)]] +
-  * [[learning_theories:​Social Cognitive Learning Theory]] - [[​wiki/​Albert_Bandura|Albert Bandura (1925 - )]]  +
-  * [[learning_theories:Schema Theory]] - [[http://​​reference/​article/​anderson-richard-chase-1934-/​|Richard Anderson ​(1934 - )]]  +
-  ​[[learning_theories:​Cognitive Load Theory]] - [[http://​​staff/​john-sweller-726.html|John Sweller]]  +
-  ​[[learning_theories:​Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning]] - [[http://​​people/​faculty/​mayer/​index.php|Richard Mayer]]+
 +  * [[hr:​memory_models:​A Brief History of Human Memory Systems|Kratka povijest istraživanja sustava ljudskog pamćenja]] **(Human Memory Systems Research)**
 +  * [[hr:​memory_models:​Human Working Memory|Ljudsko radno pamćenje]] **(Human Working Memory)**
 +=====  Teorije učenja: ​ =====
 +  * [[hr:​learning_theories:​Gestalt Psychology|Gestalt psihologija]] **(Gestalt Psychology)** - [[http://​​wiki/​Max_Wertheimer|Max Wertheimer (1880 – 1943)]]
 +  * [[hr:​learning_theories:​Assimilation Theory|Teorija asimilacije]] **(Assimilation Theory)** - [[http://​​|David ​ Ausubel (1918 - 2008)]]
 +  * [[hr:​learning_theories:​Social Cognitive Learning Theory|Socio-kognitivina teorija učenja]] **(Social Cognitive Learning Theory)** - [[http://​​wiki/​Albert_Bandura|Albert Bandura (1925 - )]]
 +  * [[hr:​learning_theories:​Conditions of Learning|Uvjeti učenja]] **(Conditions of Learning)** - [[http://​​Products/​pdf/​appendix_A-C.pdf|Robert Gagné (1916 - 2002)]]
 +  * [[hr:​learning_theories:​Schema Theory|Teorija shema]] **(Schema Theory)** - [[http://​​reference/​article/​anderson-richard-chase-1934-/​|Richard Anderson (1934 - )]] 
 +  * [[hr:​learning_theories:​Script Theory|Teorija scenarija]] **(Script Theory)** - [[http://​​|Roger Schank]]
 +  * [[hr:​learning_theories:​Dual Coding Theory|Teorija dvojnog kodiranja]] **(Dual Coding Theory)** - [[http://​​wiki/​Allan_Paivio|Allan Pavio (1925 - )]]
 +  * [[hr:​learning_theories:​Cognitive Load Theory|Teorija kognitivnog opterećenja]] (CLT) **(Cognitive Load Theory)** - [[http://​​staff/​john-sweller-726.html|John Sweller]] ​
 +  * [[hr:​learning_theories:​Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning|Kognitivna teorija multimedijalnog učenja]] (CTML) **(Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning)** - [[http://​​people/​faculty/​mayer/​index.php|Richard Mayer]]
-===== Instructional design theories and learning models: ===== 
-  ​*[[instructional_design:​Cone of Experience]] - [[http://​​wiki/​Edgar_Dale|Edgar Dale (1900 – 1985)]] +===== Teorije i modeli instrukcionalnog dizajna: **(Instructional design theories and learning models)**=====
-  ​*[[instructional_design:​Elaboration Theory]] - [[http://​​~syschang/​decatur/​bios/​biographies.html|Charles Reigeluth]] +
-  ​*[[instructional_design:​Concept Mapping]] - [[http://​​groups/​jnovak/​|Joseph Novak]] +
-  *[[instructional_design:​Component Display Theory]] - [[http://​​index.htm|Dave Merrill]] +
-  *[[instructional_design:​mental_models|Mental Model Theory Of Thinking And Reasoning]] - [[http://​​~psych/​psychology/​research/​johnson_laird/​index.php|Philip Johnson-Laird]] +
-  *[[instructional_design:​scripts|Scripts Theory]] - [[http://​​|Roger Schank]] +
-  *[[instructional_design:​structural_learning|Structural Learning Theory]] - [[http://​​|Joseph Scandura]]+
 +  *[[hr:​instructional_design:​Cone of Experience|Stožac iskustva]] **(Cone of Experience)**- [[http://​​wiki/​Edgar_Dale|Edgar Dale (1900 – 1985)]]
 +  *[[hr:​instructional_design:​Elaboration Theory|Teorija elaboracije]] **(Elaboration Theory)**- [[http://​​~syschang/​decatur/​bios/​biographies.html|Charles Reigeluth]]
 +  *[[hr:​instructional_design:​Concept Mapping|Konceptualno mapiranje]] **(Concept Mapping)**- [[http://​​groups/​jnovak/​|Joseph Novak]]
 +  *[[hr:​instructional_design:​Component Display Theory|Komponentni dizajn]] **(Component Display Theory)**- [[http://​​index.htm|Dave Merrill]]
 +  *[[hr:​instructional_design:​structural_learning|Strukturalna teorija učenja]] **(Structural Learning)** - [[http://​​|Joseph Scandura]]
 +  *[[hr:​research_results:​Principles and effects|Principi i efekti]] CLT-a i CTML-a - (razni istraživači)
-===== Criticisms ​=====+=====  ​Kritike  ​=====
-Since  the beginning of its intensive development during the 1960s various critics of cognitivism have emergedchallenging its assumption that **mental functions can be compared to an information processing model**. ​Some authors like John Searle ​ or Roger Penrose claim that computation, ​due to its inherent limitationscan never achieve the complexity and possibilities of mental functions ​and therefore cannot be successfully used to describe them. **Gödel'​s incompleteness ​theorem**(()) ​or **Turing'​s halting problem**(()) are often held as proves for this point of view.+Od početka njegovog brzog razvoja tijekom 1960.-ih kognitivizmu su upućene brojne kritikeosporavajući pretpostavku da se **kognitivni procesi mogu usporediti sa modelom obrade informacija** **(mental functions can be compared to an information processing model)**. Neki autori, poput Johna Searlea ili Rogera Penrosea tvrde da obrada podatka **(computation)**s obzirom na urođena ograničenjanikad ne može postići kompleksnost i mogućnosti ljudskih kognitivnih procesa **(mental functions)**, te da stoga ne može biti uspješna u njihovom opisivanjuTipični primjeru su: 
 +  ​* **[[http://​​godel.html|Gödelovi teoremi nepotpunosti]]** **(Gödel'​s incompleteness ​theorems)** koji tvrde da "//će unutar svake grane matematike uvijek postojati neke propozicije koje ne mogu biti dokazane točnima ili pogrešnima putem pravila i aksioma… unutar te grane matematike. Svaku razumnu tvrdnju o brojevima je moguće dokazati izlaskom izvan sistema, kako bi se došlo do novih pravila i aksioma, ali ovim činom samo stvaramo veći sistem sa vlastitim nedokazivim tvrdnjama.//"​(([[http://​​books?​id=aNoEAAAAYAAJ|Jones,​ Judy, and William Wilson. An incomplete education. Ballantine Books, 1987.]])). Pojednostavljeno,​ računala, s obzirom da su određena ograničenim setom aksioma, nikad neće biti sposobna za kogniciju poput ljudske. Model obrade informacija ​**(information-processing model)**, stoga ima ograničenu primjenu u razumijevanju ljudske kognicije. [[http://​​index.php?​id=23|Kurt Gödel]] svoja dva teorema nepotpunosti predstavlja,​ 1931. 
 +  * **[[http://​​article.cfm?​id=why-is-turings-halting-pr|Turingov problem zaustavljanja]]** **(Turing'​s halting problem)** koji tvrdi da je za dani opis programa nemoguće odlučiti zaustavlja li se program ili se nastavlja izvršavati u nedogled za bilo koji ulaz. Ovaj teorem, koji [[http://​​|Alan Turing]] dokazuje 1936, pokazuje kako neke stvari po svojoj prirodi nisu računljive.
-During the 1970s **humanism** evolved as an opposing view to both behaviorism and cognitivism beginning with the **holistic approach**, ​belief in the power of an individual and view **learning as a way of fulfilling his potentials**.  +Tijekom 1970-ih, [[hr:​learning_paradigms:​humanism|humanizam]] se kroz **holistički pristup** **(holistic approach)**, vjeru u snagu pojedinca i pogled na **učenje putem ispunjenja njegovih potencijala**, razvija kao oponent oboje biheviorizmu i kognitivizmu
-===== Bibliography ​=====+===== Literatura ​=====
-[[|Cognitivism at Learning Theories.]]+[[​viewcontent.cgi?​article=1003&​context=engscheleart|Ashworth, Frank et al. : Learning Theories ​and Higher Education. Level 3, Issue 2, June 2004.]]
-[[http://​​timdev-589723-learning-theory-cognitivism/|Learning ​Theory Cognitivism Ppt Presentation.]]+[[http://​​cognitivism.html|Cognitivism at Learning ​Theories.]] Pribavljeno 21. veljače, 2011.
 +[[http://​​ndabbagh/​Resources/​IDKB/​models_theories.htm|Dabbagh,​ N. The Instructional Design Knowledge Base. George Mason University, Instructional Technology Program.]] Pribavljeno 8. ožujka, 2011.
-===== Read more ===== 
-Leidlmair, Karl. After Cognitivism:​ A Reassessment of Cognitive Science and Philosophy. Springer, 2009. 
 +===== Dodatna literatura =====
-Crane, TBook review ​of "The Mind’s Provisions"​ by Vincent DescombesEuropean Journal ​of Philosophy ​12no3p399–4062004.+[[http://​​books?​hl=hr&​lr=&​id=nbBjFvXL7BMC&​oi=fnd&​pg=PR7&​dq=After+Cognitivism:​+A+Reassessment+of+Cognitive+Science+and+Philosophy&​ots=NfM4_aQlvU&​sig=vLk7QZe2VFKLSHf0rsivSfTqoTE#​v=onepage&​q&​f=false|Leidlmair,​ KarlAfter Cognitivism:​ A Reassessment ​of Cognitive Science and Philosophy. Springer2009.]] 
 +[[​books?​id=T_CDuCMkIYQC&​printsec=frontcover&​dq=Mind%E2%80%99s+Provisions:​+A+Critique+of+Cognitivism&​hl=hr&​ei=1HIMTpGjEIeZ8QPotuzKDg&​sa=X&​oi=book_result&​ct=book-preview-link&​resnum=1&​ved=0CCsQuwUwAA#​v=onepage&​q&​f=false|Descombes,​ Vincent. The mind's provisions: a critique of cognitivism,​ 2001.]]
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