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learning_paradigms:connectivism [2011/05/30 13:44]
jpetrovic [Read more]
learning_paradigms:connectivism [2011/06/29 16:17]
jpetrovic [About connectivism]
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 ===== About connectivism ===== ===== About connectivism =====
-Connectivism((Not to be confused with [[learning_theories:​connectionism]].)) is a new learning paradigm and a learning theory introduced in 2004 by [[http://​​Community/​MemDir/​Profiles/​GeorgeSiemens/​57433|George Siemens]](([[http://​​Articles/​connectivism.htm|Siemens,​ G. Connectivism:​ a learning theory for the digital age. Elearnspace. 2004.]])). This theory attempts to approach learning and knowledge in context of technological development during the last few decades, since the impact of technological achievements on learning and knowledge cannot be ignored.+Connectivism((Not to be confused with [[learning_theories:​connectionism]].)) is a new learning paradigm and a learning theory introduced in **2004** by [[http://​​Community/​MemDir/​Profiles/​GeorgeSiemens/​57433|George Siemens]](([[http://​​Articles/​connectivism.htm|Siemens,​ G. Connectivism:​ a learning theory for the digital age. Elearnspace. 2004.]])). This theory attempts to approach learning and knowledge in context of technological development during the last few decades, since the impact of technological achievements on learning and knowledge cannot be ignored.
 Motivation for introduction of connectivism comes from notion that learning theories in frames of [[learning_paradigms:​behaviorism]],​ [[learning_paradigms:​cognitivism]],​ [[learning_paradigms:​constructivism]] and [[learning_paradigms:​humanism]] promote the understanding that learning occurs only inside a person. According to Siemens, ​ Motivation for introduction of connectivism comes from notion that learning theories in frames of [[learning_paradigms:​behaviorism]],​ [[learning_paradigms:​cognitivism]],​ [[learning_paradigms:​constructivism]] and [[learning_paradigms:​humanism]] promote the understanding that learning occurs only inside a person. According to Siemens, ​
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 [[http://​​dspace/​bitstream/​0/​487/​1/​Darrow,​+Suzanne_+Connectivism+Learning+Theory_Instructional+Tools+for+College+Courses.pdf|Darrow,​ Suzanne. Connectivism Learning Theory: Instructional Tools for College Courses. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for a  Master’s Degree in Education, Danbury, CT: Western Connecticut State University, 2009.]] [[http://​​dspace/​bitstream/​0/​487/​1/​Darrow,​+Suzanne_+Connectivism+Learning+Theory_Instructional+Tools+for+College+Courses.pdf|Darrow,​ Suzanne. Connectivism Learning Theory: Instructional Tools for College Courses. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for a  Master’s Degree in Education, Danbury, CT: Western Connecticut State University, 2009.]]
 +[[http://​​PDFS/​EJ815759.pdf|Kop,​ Rita, and Adrian Hill. Connectivism:​ Learning Theory of the Future or Vestige of the Past? International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 9, no. 3: 1-13. October 2008.]]
learning_paradigms/connectivism.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/19 18:03 (external edit)