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learning_theories:assimilation_theory [2011/03/24 09:44]
jpetrovic [What is assimilation theory?]
learning_theories:assimilation_theory [2011/05/04 15:49]
jpetrovic [General]
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-Assimilation theory (sometimes referred to as //​subsumption theory// or //theory of advance organizers//​) is one of the [[learning_paradigms:​cognitivism#​learning_theories|cognitivist learning theories]] developed by an American educational psychologist [[http://​​|David ​ Ausubel]] during 1960s. This theory offers an explanation of human cognitive structure and suggests ways instruction should be organized in order to facilitate meaningful learning. Cognitive structure is, in Ausubels words "//​hierarchically organized in terms of **highly inclusive concepts** under which are **subsumed less inclusive subconcepts** and informational data//"​. Learning, according to Ausubel'​s theory, occurs through **development** of **new cognitive structures** that will hold newly acquired information.+Assimilation theory (sometimes referred to as //​subsumption theory// or //theory of advance organizers//​) is one of the [[learning_paradigms:​cognitivism#​learning_theories|cognitivist learning theories]](([[http://​​books?​id=nNcoAO5Za9YC&​printsec=frontcover&​dq=Learning+theories,​+A+to+Z&​hl=hr&​ei=g1jBTYLrHInpOYGHxJ0I&​sa=X&​oi=book_result&​ct=book-preview-link&​resnum=1&​ved=0CCsQuwUwAA#​v=onepage&​q&​f=false|Leonard,​ David C. Learning theories, A to Z. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002.]]))(([[http://​​books?​id=hQD2p7DvpqAC&​printsec=frontcover&​dq=The+cognitive+revolution+in+educational+psychology&​hl=hr&​ei=LFnBTb2vOMuSOtzQwJ0I&​sa=X&​oi=book_result&​ct=result&​resnum=1&​ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#​v=onepage&​q&​f=false|Royer,​ James M. The cognitive revolution in educational psychology. IAP, 2005.]])) ​developed by an American educational psychologist [[http://​​|David ​ Ausubel]] during 1960s. This theory offers an explanation of human cognitive structure and suggests ways instruction should be organized in order to facilitate meaningful learning. Cognitive structure is, in Ausubels words "//​hierarchically organized in terms of **highly inclusive concepts** under which are **subsumed less inclusive subconcepts** and informational data//"​. Learning, according to Ausubel'​s theory, occurs through **development** of **new cognitive structures** that will hold newly acquired information.
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 As a result of a successful meaningful learning, the **new idea** will remain **anchored** to a so called **subsumer**. That of course doesn'​t mean that the learned idea can't be forgotten: this process, referred to as //​obliterative subsumption//,​ happens as more specific idea becomes less and less distinctive from its subsumer until it is finally said to be forgotten. As a result of a successful meaningful learning, the **new idea** will remain **anchored** to a so called **subsumer**. That of course doesn'​t mean that the learned idea can't be forgotten: this process, referred to as //​obliterative subsumption//,​ happens as more specific idea becomes less and less distinctive from its subsumer until it is finally said to be forgotten.
-Another important and rather controversial part of Ausubel'​s theory are the **//advance organizers//​**:​ introductory material presented "//in advance of the learning material itself//"​ and "//at a higher level of abstraction,​ generality, and inclusiveness//"​ than the learning material(([[http://​​pmc/​articles/​PMC1515323/​pdf/​califmed00090-0067b.pdf|Ausubel, D. The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning. New York: Grune & Stratton. 1963.]])). Purpose of advance organizers is to **help replace the missing concepts** necessary for successful acquisition of new information by providing a link between the new material and the learner'​s established cognitive structure. Organizers help the learner realize where the new material fits in relation to the prior knowledge about the material. ​+Another important and rather controversial part of Ausubel'​s theory are the **//advance organizers//​**:​ introductory material presented "//in advance of the learning material itself//"​ and "//at a higher level of abstraction,​ generality, and inclusiveness//"​ than the learning material((Ausubel,​ D. The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning. New York: Grune & Stratton. 1963.)). Purpose of advance organizers is to **help replace the missing concepts** necessary for successful acquisition of new information by providing a link between the new material and the learner'​s established cognitive structure. Organizers help the learner realize where the new material fits in relation to the prior knowledge about the material. ​
 Advance organizers should be of greater help to students with less organized cognitive structures, since organized cognitive structures already possess developed anchoring ideas. Organizers can be most productive when closely related topics or unitary topics need to be learned and when learners prior knowledge can be assessed. Advanced organizer can include various types of material like pictures, verbal descriptions,​ prequestioning techniques, and cultural background knowledge(([[http://​​pss/​329009|Herron,​ C. An investigation of the  effectiveness of using an advance organizer to introduce video in the foreign language classroom. Modern language Journal, 78, 190-197. 1994.]])). So far no significant differences in effects of this types of organizers have been reported(([[http://​​smpp/​content~content=a713757529~db=all|Togo,​ Dennis F. Topical sequencing ​ of questions and advance organizers impacting students examination performance. ​ Accounting Education, 11(3), 203-216. 2002.]])). Advance organizers should be of greater help to students with less organized cognitive structures, since organized cognitive structures already possess developed anchoring ideas. Organizers can be most productive when closely related topics or unitary topics need to be learned and when learners prior knowledge can be assessed. Advanced organizer can include various types of material like pictures, verbal descriptions,​ prequestioning techniques, and cultural background knowledge(([[http://​​pss/​329009|Herron,​ C. An investigation of the  effectiveness of using an advance organizer to introduce video in the foreign language classroom. Modern language Journal, 78, 190-197. 1994.]])). So far no significant differences in effects of this types of organizers have been reported(([[http://​​smpp/​content~content=a713757529~db=all|Togo,​ Dennis F. Topical sequencing ​ of questions and advance organizers impacting students examination performance. ​ Accounting Education, 11(3), 203-216. 2002.]])).
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 [[http://​​content/​17/​3/​400.abstract|Ausubel,​ D. P. Schemata, cognitive structure, and advance organizers: A reply to Anderson, Spiro, and Anderson. American Educational Research Journal, 17, p400-404. 1980.]] [[http://​​content/​17/​3/​400.abstract|Ausubel,​ D. P. Schemata, cognitive structure, and advance organizers: A reply to Anderson, Spiro, and Anderson. American Educational Research Journal, 17, p400-404. 1980.]]
-[[http://​​rid=1094487285248_442176581_5443/​Ausubel%27s%20theory.cmap|Ausbell'​s assimilation theory (graphical overview)]] 
learning_theories/assimilation_theory.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/06/19 18:03 (external edit)