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learning_theories:experiential_learning [2011/03/21 15:23]
jpetrovic [Bibliography]
learning_theories:experiential_learning [2011/03/31 16:30]
jpetrovic [Bibliography]
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 ===== General ===== ===== General =====
-Experiential learning is a **cycle learning theory** developed by [[http://​​pages/​3114/​David-Kolb.html|David Kolb]] in 1980s and was inspired by earlier works of [[http://​​~psych/​psycweb/​history/​lewin.htm|Kurt Lewin]]. As it was developed within [[learning_paradigms:​humanism|humanist paradigm]], experiential learning offers a **holistic perspective on learning** and is orientated mostly on adult learning.+Experiential learning is a **cycle learning theory** developed((Some sources like [[http://​​Learningtheories/​learningmap.html|Cooper,​ S. Theories of Learning in Educational Psychology]] or [[http://​​|Kearsley G. Explorations in Learning & Instruction:​ The Theory Into Practice Database]] associate experiential learning with [[http://​​carlrogersbio.html|Carl Rogers]].)) ​by [[http://​​pages/​3114/​David-Kolb.html|David Kolb]] in 1980s and was inspired by earlier works of [[http://​​~psych/​psycweb/​history/​lewin.htm|Kurt Lewin]], [[http://​​aboutPiaget.html|Jean Piaget]] and [[http://​​|John Dewey]]. As it was developed within [[learning_paradigms:​humanism|humanist paradigm]], experiential learning offers a **holistic perspective on learning** and is orientated mostly on adult learning. Name of this theory was intended to should emphasize the importance of experience in the learning process.
 ===== What is experiential learning? ===== ===== What is experiential learning? =====
-[[http://​​kolblearningstyles.htm|{{ ​ :​images:​kolb.jpg?​650x520|Kolb'​s learning styles and stages. Image borrowed from: http://​​... Click on the picture to follow the link.}}]] 
 In his influential book "​[[http://​​Experiential-Learning-Experience-Source-Development/​dp/​0132952610#​reader_0132952610|Experiential Learning: Experience As The Source Of Learning And Development]]"​ (1984) Kolb describes learning as "//the process whereby **knowledge is created through the transformation of experience**//"​. In order to be effective, learning should therefore incorporate following **four stages**: In his influential book "​[[http://​​Experiential-Learning-Experience-Source-Development/​dp/​0132952610#​reader_0132952610|Experiential Learning: Experience As The Source Of Learning And Development]]"​ (1984) Kolb describes learning as "//the process whereby **knowledge is created through the transformation of experience**//"​. In order to be effective, learning should therefore incorporate following **four stages**:
 +[[http://​​kolblearningstyles.htm|{{ ​ :​images:​kolb.jpg?​650x520|Kolb'​s learning styles and stages. Image borrowed from: http://​​... Click on the picture to follow the link.}}]]
     * **Concrete experience** (CE) - practical experiencing through doing     * **Concrete experience** (CE) - practical experiencing through doing
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     * Converger (prefers **practical applications** of concepts and theories he learns)     * Converger (prefers **practical applications** of concepts and theories he learns)
     * Accommodator (prefers **practical experiences** with concepts and theories he learns)     * Accommodator (prefers **practical experiences** with concepts and theories he learns)
-    * Diverger ​(prefers ​learning through observing and **collecting information**)+    * Diverger ​- Prefers ​learning through observing and **collecting information**, good at viewing concrete situations from different points of view. According to Kolb et al.(()) research has shown this kind of people are often imaginative and emotional, and often specialize in arts.
 In order to identify preferred learning style in Kolb's model, "​**[[http://​​au/​services/​index.aspx?​ID=14323|learn­ing style inven­tory]]**"​ method has been developed. This **method for determining an individual’s optimal learn­ing style**, strengths and weaknesses consists of a survey which explores one's perceiving (how one prefers to acquire information) and processing (how one makes sense of new things). Various variants of this method can be found in simplified free on-line tests((For example: [[http://​​~dduncan/​teachingseminar/​KolbLearningStyleInventoryInfo.pdf|Duncan,​ D. Kolb Learning Style Inventory. University of Colorado at Boulder.]])). In order to identify preferred learning style in Kolb's model, "​**[[http://​​au/​services/​index.aspx?​ID=14323|learn­ing style inven­tory]]**"​ method has been developed. This **method for determining an individual’s optimal learn­ing style**, strengths and weaknesses consists of a survey which explores one's perceiving (how one prefers to acquire information) and processing (how one makes sense of new things). Various variants of this method can be found in simplified free on-line tests((For example: [[http://​​~dduncan/​teachingseminar/​KolbLearningStyleInventoryInfo.pdf|Duncan,​ D. Kolb Learning Style Inventory. University of Colorado at Boulder.]])).
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 ===== Criticisms ===== ===== Criticisms =====
 +Kolb's theory has influenced other authors to create similar models for determining of preferred learning style. The critique that Kolb's learning styles inventory was difficult to apply to people who never really paid attention to how they learn more efficiently encouraged Peter Honey and Alan Mumford to create their //learning styles questionnaire//​ (LSQ). It was based on Kolb's theory, but instead of asking people how they learn it was probing for most common learning behaviors.
 +Some of the criticisms(([[http://​​research/​experiential.learning.htm#​2#​ixzz1HFOLReyw|Greenaway,​ R. Experiential Learning articles and critiques of David Kolb's theory]])) referring to Kolb's theory include((Forrest,​ C. Kolb's Learning Cycle. Train the Trainer. Issue 12, 2004.)):
 +    * doubts that not everyone'​s learning process has to undergo Kolb's stages and **not necessarily in that order**,
 +    * **lack of experimental research** and too simplified learning cycle which ignores non-experiential learning, and
 +    * not paying enough attention to the process of **reflection** and **lack of precision**. ​
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 ===== Bibliography ===== ===== Bibliography =====
 +[[http://​​~kgilbert/​educ5165-731/​Readings/​experiential-learning-theory.pdf|Kolb,​ D. A, R. E Boyatzis, and C. Mainemelis. Experiential learning theory: Previous research and new directions. Perspectives on thinking, learning, and cognitive styles. The educational psychology series: 227–247. 2001.]]
 [[http://​​experiential-learning-kolb.html|Experiential Learning (Kolb) at Learning Theories.]] Retrieved February 9, 2011. [[http://​​experiential-learning-kolb.html|Experiential Learning (Kolb) at Learning Theories.]] Retrieved February 9, 2011.
-[[ http://​​rogers.html|TIP:​ Theories. Experiential Learning.]] Retrieved February 8, 2011.+[[http://​​rogers.html|TIP:​ Theories. Experiential Learning.]] Retrieved February 8, 2011. 
 +[[http://​​research/​experiential.learning.htm#​axzz1HFPk4RNX|Greenaway,​ R. Experiential Learning articles and critiques of David Kolb's theory.]] Retrieved March 21, 2011.
-Lowy, Alex, and Phil Hood. The power of the 2x2 matrix: using 2x2 thinking to solve business problems and make better decisions. John Wiley and Sons, 2004.+[[http://​​book/​professional-development/​9780787972929|Lowy, Alex, and Phil Hood. The power of the 2x2 matrix: using 2x2 thinking to solve business problems and make better decisions. John Wiley and Sons, 2004.]]
 +[[http://​​~donclark/​hrd/​styles/​honey_mumford.html|Big Dog and Little Dog's Performance Juxtaposition:​ Honey and Mumford'​s Learning Styles Questionnaire.]] Retrieved February 8, 2011.
 ===== Read more ===== ===== Read more =====
learning_theories/experiential_learning.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/19 18:03 (external edit)