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learning_theories:experiential_learning [2011/08/17 15:09]
jpetrovic [Criticisms]
learning_theories:experiential_learning [2011/08/17 15:11]
jpetrovic [Criticisms]
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 Results of experimental validation vary: a meta-study of 81 studies implementing experiential learning resulted in 61.7% of the Results of experimental validation vary: a meta-study of 81 studies implementing experiential learning resulted in 61.7% of the
-studies supporting it, 16.1% showing mixed support, and 22.2% not support experiential learning theory.((Hickcox,​ L. K. 1991. An historical review of Kolb’s formulation of experiential learning theory. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,​ University of Oregon, Corvallis. Cited by [[http://​​viewdoc/​download?​doi=​rep=rep1&​type=pdf|Kolb,​ Alice Y., and David A. Kolb. Learning Styles and Learning Spaces : Enhancing Experiential Learning in Higher Education. Academy of Management Learning Education 4, no. 2: 193-212, 2005]])) In another meta-study of learning style inventory assessment, out of analyzed studies, 49 showed strong support, 40 showed mixed sup-port, and 12 studies showed no support at all.+studies supporting it, 16.1% showing mixed support, and 22.2% not support experiential learning theory.((Hickcox,​ L. K. 1991. An historical review of Kolb’s formulation of experiential learning theory. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,​ University of Oregon, Corvallis. Cited by [[http://​​viewdoc/​download?​doi=​rep=rep1&​type=pdf|Kolb,​ Alice Y., and David A. Kolb. Learning Styles and Learning Spaces : Enhancing Experiential Learning in Higher Education. Academy of Management Learning Education 4, no. 2: 193-212, 2005.]])) In another meta-study of learning style inventory assessment, out of analyzed studies, 49 showed strong support, 40 showed mixed support, and 12 studies showed no support at all.((Iliff, C. H. 1994. Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory: A meta-analysis. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation,​ Boston University, Boston, MA. Cited by [[http://​​viewdoc/​download?​doi=​rep=rep1&​type=pdf|Kolb,​ Alice Y., and David A. Kolb. Learning Styles and Learning Spaces : Enhancing Experiential Learning in Higher Education. Academy of Management Learning Education 4, no. 2: 193-212, 2005]].))
learning_theories/experiential_learning.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/19 18:03 (external edit)