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research_results:coherence_principle [2011/06/08 10:48]
jpetrovic [Practice]
research_results:coherence_principle [2023/06/19 18:03]
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-====== The Coherence Principle ====== 
-===== Theory ===== 
-The coherence principle (also called //seductive details//​(([[http://​​smpp/​content~db=all~content=a783761824~frm=titlelink|Garner,​ Ruth, Mark G. Gillingham, and C . Stephen White. Effects of ‘Seductive Details’ on Macroprocessing and Microprocessing in Adults and Children. Cognition and Instruction 6, no. 1: 41. 1989.]])) effect) claims that extraneous material that may be interesting or motivating but is irrelevant for learning objectives generally wastes learning resources and **hinders learning of important material**. This assumption is grounded in the fact that human cognitive resources are limited. Still, [[learning_theories:​cognitive load theory]] predicts this effect will only occur if the cognitive load imposed by important learning material is high enough.(([[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​S0747563210001263|Park,​ Babette, Roxana Moreno, Tina Seufert, and Roland Brünken. Does cognitive load moderate the seductive details effect? A multimedia study. Computers in Human Behavior 27, no. 1: 5-10. January 2011.]]))  ​ 
-===== Practice ===== 
-Seductive details can appear in virtually any format, but often as 
-  * text, or 
-  * external links. 
-===== Research status ===== 
-(([[http://​​~chopin/​references/​tig/​moreno.pdf|Moreno,​ R., Mayer, R., Spires, H. and Lester, J. The case for social agency in computer-based teaching: Do students learn more deeply when they interact with animated pedagogical agents?. Cognition and Instruction,​ 19(2), 177-213. 2001.]]))(([[http://​​file/​view/​Mayer,​+Heiser,​+%26+Lonn+%282001%29.pdf|Mayer,​ R., Heiser, J. and Lonn, S. Cognitive constraints on multimedia learning: When presenting more material results in less understanding. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93(1), 187-198. 2001.]])). 
research_results/coherence_principle.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/19 18:03 (external edit)