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research_results:redundancy_principle [2011/06/07 16:30]
jpetrovic [Theory]
research_results:redundancy_principle [2023/06/19 18:03]
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-====== Redundancy Principle ====== 
-===== Theory ===== 
-Redundancy principle refers to the fact that capacity of both human information channels can unnecessarily be **overloaded by redundant information** presented through both channels thereby negatively affecting learning process.((For example see: [[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​S0747563210001445|Schmidt-Weigand,​ Florian, and Katharina Scheiter. The role of spatial descriptions in learning from multimedia. Computers in Human Behavior 27, no. 1: 22-28. January 2011.]])) 
-This refers for example to a learning material in which a text is presented near a picture to explain it, but similar spoken text (carrying same information) is also included in the material. The same (redundant) information is presented to the learner through both information channels, unnecessarily wasting cognitive resources when they could be used to obtain more related useful information. 
-===== Practice ===== 
-===== Research status ===== 
-Still, some research has also pointed that the negative redundancy effect does not occur if redundant information is short and respects spatial contiguity principles.(([[http://​​science/​article/​pii/​S0022066308600380|Mayer,​ Richard E., and Cheryl I. Johnson. Revising the Redundancy Principle in Multimedia Learning. Journal of Educational Psychology 100, no. 2: 380-386. May 2008.]])) 
research_results/redundancy_principle.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/06/19 18:03 (external edit)