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cognitivism [2011/02/08 13:27]
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-====== Cognitivism ====== 
-===== About cognitivism ===== 
-One of the first critics of [[learning_paradigms:​behaviorism|behaviorist learning theories]] approach came from [[http://​​cgboer/​gestalt.html|gestalt psychologists]] and was related to behaviorist dependencies exclusively on overt behavior. It was the gestalt views of learning that **offered a new approach to learning** that extended beyond behaviorism and set the **basic principles of what is today known** as [[glossary#​cognition|cognitive]] theories. In the 1960s behaviorism as a dominant [[learning_paradigms|learning paradigm]] was replaced by cognitivism. 
-[[glossary#​cognition|Cognitive]] approach to learning, unlike behavioral, sets the **learner as the locus of control** and not just as a passive participant. It attempts to open the "black box" of his mind and **explain complex processes** in it. Cognitivist theories emphasize the **importance of the learner**, especially **his prior knowledge and experiences** as well as **his role of an organized information processor**. 
-===== Learning theories: ===== 
-  * [[learning_theories:​Gestalt Psychology]]([[http://​​wiki/​Max_Wertheimer|Max Wertheimer]]) 
-  * [[Social learning|Social Cognitive Learning Theory]] ([[http://​​wiki/​Albert_Bandura|Albert Bandura]]) 
-  * [[Assimilation Theory]] ([[http://​​|David ​ Ausubel]]) 
-  * [[Cognitive Load Theory]] ([[http://​​staff/​john-sweller-726.html|John Sweller]]) 
-  * [[Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning]] ([[http://​​people/​faculty/​mayer/​index.php|Richard Mayer]]) 
-  * [[Schema Theory]] ([[http://​​bartlett/​|Sir Frederic Bartlett]]) 
-  * [[learning_theories:​Stage Theory of Cognitive Development]] ([[http://​​aboutPiaget.html|Jean Piaget]]) 
-===== Instructional design theories and learning models: ===== 
-  *[[Cone of Experience]] ([[http://​​wiki/​Edgar_Dale|Edgar Dale]]) 
-  *[[Concept Mapping]] ([[http://​​groups/​jnovak/​|Joseph Novak]]) 
-  *[[Component Display Theory]] ([[http://​​index.htm|Dave Merrill]]) 
-  *[[Elaboration Theory]] ([[http://​​~syschang/​decatur/​bios/​biographies.html|Charles Reigeluth]]) 
-  *[[mental_models|Mental Model Theory Of Thinking And Reasoning]] ([[http://​​~psych/​psychology/​research/​johnson_laird/​index.php|Philip Johnson-Laird]]) 
-  *[[scripts|Scripts Theory]] ([[http://​​|Roger Schank]]) 
-  *[[structural_learning|Structural Learning Theory]] ([[http://​​|Joseph Scandura]]) 
-===== Criticism ===== 
-Since its development during the 1960s various critics of cognitivism have emerged, challenging its assumption that **mental functions can be compared to a information processing model**. Some authors like John Searle ​ or Roger Penrose claim that computation,​ **due to its inherent limitations**,​ can never achieve the complexity and possibilities of mental functions and therefore cannot be successfully used to describe them. **Gödel'​s incompleteness theorem** or **Turing'​s halting problem** are often held as proves for this point of view. 
-During the 1970s **humanism evolved as an opposing view to both behaviorism and cognitivism** beginning with the **holistic approach**, belief in the power of an individual and view **learning as a way of fulfilling his potentials**. ​ 
-===== Bibliography ===== 
-[[http://​​cognitivism.html|Cognitivism at Learning Theories.]] 
-[[http://​​Presentation/​timdev-589723-learning-theory-cognitivism/​|Learning Theory Cognitivism Ppt Presentation.]] 
-===== Read more ===== 
-Leidlmair, Karl. After Cognitivism:​ A Reassessment of Cognitive Science and Philosophy. Springer, 2009. 
-Crane, T. Book review of "The Mind’s Provisions"​ by Vincent Descombes. European Journal of Philosophy 12, no. 3: p399–406. 2004. 
cognitivism.1297171636.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 15:49 (external edit)