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hr:instructional_design:facilitation_theory [2013/12/12 20:20]
hr:instructional_design:facilitation_theory [2023/06/19 16:03] (trenutno)
Redak 4: Redak 4:
 ===== Općenito ===== ===== Općenito =====
-Teorija facilitacije (**facilitation theory**) ​ponekad zvana olakšano ​učenje (** facilitative teaching**),​ je [[paradigme učenja:​humanizam|humanistički pristup učenju]] ​koji se razvio ​tijekom 1980-ih ​od strane utjecajnog ​američkog psihologa ​[[http://​www.carlrogers.info/​index.html|Carl ​Rogers]] i drugih ​te je najbolje ​opisana ​njegovim riječima:+Teorija facilitacije (**facilitation theory**) ​ili facilitirano ​učenje (** facilitative teaching**),​ je [[paradigme učenja:​humanizam|humanistički pristup učenju]] tijekom 1980-ih ​razvio ​ utjecajni ​američki psiholog ​[[http://​www.carlrogers.info/​index.html|Carl ​Rogersa]] i drugi te je najbolje ​opisan ​njegovim riječima:
-  * "//Mi znamo ... da iniciranje takve vrste učenja ne počiva na vještinama poučavanja vođe, njegovom akademskom znanju o tom području, njegovom planiranju nastave, korištenju audio-vizualnih pomagala, programiranom učenju koji koristi, njegovim prezentacijama i predavanjima,​ obilju knjiga, iako svaka od tih sastavnica može u jednom trenutku biti iskorištena kao važni izvor. Ne, važnost ​facilitiacije ​učenja temelji se na određenim osobinama stavova koje postoje između facilitatora (**facilitator**) i učenika.//"​((Rogers,​ C. Freedom to Learn. 1969.))+  * "//Mi znamo ... da iniciranje takve vrste učenja ne počiva na vještinama poučavanja vođe, njegovom akademskom znanju o tom području, njegovom planiranju nastave, korištenju audio-vizualnih pomagala, programiranom učenju koji koristi, njegovim prezentacijama i predavanjima,​ obilju knjiga, iako svaka od tih sastavnica može u jednom trenutku biti iskorištena kao važan izvor. Ne, važnost ​facilitacije ​učenja temelji se na određenim osobinama stavova koje postoje između facilitatora (**facilitator**) i učenika.//"​((Rogers,​ C. Freedom to Learn. 1969.))
-  * "//​**Ne možemo ​direktno ​naučiti drugu osobu; možemo samo facilitirati ​njegovo ​učenje.**//"​((Rogers,​ C. On becoming a person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1961.))+  * "//​**Ne možemo ​izravno ​naučiti drugu osobu; možemo samo facilitirati učenje.**//"​((Rogers,​ C. On becoming a person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1961.))
-===== What is facilitation theory? =====+===== Što je teorija facilitacije? =====
-Rogersovo prvo područje interesa ​je bila psihologija i psihoterapija gdje je od 1940-ih počeo primjenjivati //klijentu usmjerenu terapiju// (**client-centered therapy**) koja promovira stajalište pomaganja ili savjetovanje ​(**counsel**) ​klijenta gledajući problem iz njegove perspektive. U drugoj polovici 1960-ih počinje primjenjivati sličan pristup na procese edukacije i učenja. Njegova početna vjerovanja su bila da su ljudi po prirodi dobri i zdravi te da sva živa bića nastoje što bolje iskoristiti svoje postojanje (//​tendecija samoaktualizaciji//​) (**the actualizing tendency**)).+Rogersovo prvo područje interesa bila je psihologija i psihoterapija gdje je od 1940-ih počeo primjenjivati //klijentu usmjerenu terapiju// (**client-centered therapy**) koja promovira stajalište pomaganja ili savjetovanje klijenta gledajući problem iz njegove perspektive. U drugoj polovici 1960-ih počinje primjenjivati sličan pristup na procese edukacije i učenja. Njegova početna vjerovanja su bila da su ljudi po prirodi dobri i zdravi te da sva živa bića nastoje što bolje iskoristiti svoje postojanje (//​tendecija samoaktualizaciji//​) (**the actualizing tendency**)).
-In his works, ​Rogers ​addresses two kinds of learning(([[http://​www.sageofasheville.com/​pub_downloads/​CARL_ROGERS_AND_HUMANISTIC_EDUCATION.pdf|Patterson,​ C. H. Carl Rogers and Humanistic Education. In Foundations for a Theory of Instruction and Educational Psychology, Chapter 5. Harper & Row, 1977.]])) ​introduced by earlier theorists((See for example Ausubel'​s [[learning_theories:​Assimilation Theory]])):+U svom radu Rogers ​se oslanja na dvije vrste učenja(([[http://​www.sageofasheville.com/​pub_downloads/​CARL_ROGERS_AND_HUMANISTIC_EDUCATION.pdf|Patterson,​ C. H. Carl Rogers and Humanistic Education. In Foundations for a Theory of Instruction and Educational Psychology, Chapter 5. Harper & Row, 1977.]])) ​koje su otkrili prijašnji teoretičari((See for example Ausubel'​s [[learning_theories:​Assimilation Theory]])):
-  * **rote learning**, ​referring to meaningless memorization of factsand +  * **učenje napamet** (**rote learning**)misleći na besmisleno zapamćivanje činjencai 
-  * **experiential ​learning** ​in everyday lifewhich has meaning and personal relevanceIt is the result of a natural curiosity, and a recognized importance of the learned material, often acquired through doing, or at least facilitated by student'​s active participation in the learning process, and often self-initiatedStill, this kind of knowledge is difficult to communicate to another+  * **eksperimentalno učenje** (**experimantal ​learning**) iz svakodnevnog životakoje ima značenje i osobnu važnostOno je rezultat prirodne znatiželje i prepoznate važnosti naučenih materijala često stečenih tijekom obavljanja neke aktivnost ili barem facilitirane tijekom učenikove aktivne participacije u procesu učenja te je često samoiniciranaOvakvu vrstu znanja je teško prenijeti drugima
-Rogers'​ theory therefore sees the teacher as the key role in the process of learningbut not as a walking textbook transmitting its contentsbut as the **facilitator of learning**. ​The facilitation here occurs through the teacher'​s attitudes in his personal relationship with the students. Rogers ​suggests three attitudinal qualities necessary for facilitative practice ​(both in counseling and education). These so called ​//core conditions// are(([[http://​www.mona.uwi.edu/​idu/​TrashLater/​InterpersonalRelationships.rtf|Rogers,​ Carl R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning. In Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education Association,​ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,​ p1-18. 1967.]])):+Rogersova teorija vidi učitelje kao ključne u procesu učenjaali ne kao hodajuće udžbenike koji reproduciraju svoj sadržajveć kako facilitatore učenja (**facilitator of learning**)Facilitiranje se odvija kroz učiteljev stav tijekom privatnog odnosa sa učenicima. Rogers ​navodi tri kvalitete stava neophodne za vršenje facilitacije ​(u savjetovanju i edukaciji). Takozvane ​//temeljne uvjete//​(([[http://​www.mona.uwi.edu/​idu/​TrashLater/​InterpersonalRelationships.rtf|Rogers,​ Carl R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning. In Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education Association,​ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,​ p1-18. 1967.]])):
-  * **Realness**. "//It means that he [the teacheris **being himself**, not denying himself.//"​(([[http://​www.mona.uwi.edu/​idu/​TrashLater/​InterpersonalRelationships.rtf|Rogers,​ Carl R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning. In Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education Association,​ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,​ p1-18. 1967.]])) ​The teacher has to be a real person ​**aware of his feelings** and able to communicate them appropriately,​ no matter how exactly does he feelHe should not be just a role in the play of education, ""//​a faceless embodiment af a curricular requirement or a sterile tube through which knowledge is passed from one generation to the next.//"​(([[http://​www.mona.uwi.edu/​idu/​TrashLater/​InterpersonalRelationships.rtf|Rogers,​ Carl R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning. In Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education Association,​ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,​ p1-18. 1967.]]))  +  * **Realnost**. "//To znači da je on [učitelj] **svoj**, a ne da negira sebe.//"​(([[http://​www.mona.uwi.edu/​idu/​TrashLater/​InterpersonalRelationships.rtf|Rogers,​ Carl R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning. In Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education Association,​ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,​ p1-18. 1967.]])) ​Učitelj mora biti osoba **svjesna svojih osjećaja** te ih prenijeti na odgovarajući načinNe bi smio biti samo jedan od likova u predstavi koja se zove proces obrazovanja, ""//​bezlično utjelovljenje nastavnih zahtjeva ili sterilna cijev kroz koju se znanje prenosi s generacije na generaciju.//"​(([[http://​www.mona.uwi.edu/​idu/​TrashLater/​InterpersonalRelationships.rtf|Rogers,​ Carl R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning. In Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education Association,​ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,​ p1-18. 1967.]]))  
-  * **Prizingacceptancetrust**. This refers to teacher'​s ​**caring about the student** and his acceptance of student'​s feelings ​(one that support learning as well as ones disturbing it). It is the trust and prizing of his capacity and abilities as human being.  +  * **Cijenjenprihvatljivpovjerljiv**. Ovo se odnosi na učiteljevu ​**brigu za studente** i njegovo prihvaćanje studentskih osjećaja ​(onih koji daju potporu učenju, kao i onih koji ometaju učenje). Povjerenje i cijenjenost sposobnosti te sposobnosti kao ljudskog bića.  
-  * **Empathy**. Empathy means being able to //walk in others shoes//. This means that a teacher can understand student'​s perspective on the process on learning and his reactions from the insideThe accent here is on //understand//, not //judge// or //evaluate//.+  * **Empatija**. Empija znači biti u mogućnosti ​//staviti se u tuđu kožu//. To znači da učitelj može razumijeti učenikovo gledište procesa učenja i njegovih reakcijaNaglasak je stavljen na //razumijevanje//, a ne na //osuđivanje// ili //procjenjivanje//.
-Other tasks of teachers include establishing a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom and thereby facilitating learning and acquisition of new ideas by reducing possible negative effects of external factorsA facilitative teacher should also be open to new ideaslisten to studentspay as much attention to his relationship with the students as he does to the content he is teachingencouraging learners to take responsibility for their learning and actions and to take self-evaluation as the highest form of evaluationHe should also use **class feedback** for further improvements.+Ostali učiteljevi zadaci uključuju uspostavljanje ugodne atmosfere u učioniciSamim time dolazi do facilitiranja učenja i stjecanja novih ideja reduciranjem mogućih negativnih efekata vanjskih faktora. Facilitirajući učitelj trebao bi biti otvoren za nove idejeslušati učenikeobraćati pozornost na odnos koji ima sa učenicima kao i na sadržaj materijala koji predajeohrabrivati učenike da preuzmu odgovornost za svoje učenje i akcije te da samoocjenjivanje bude najviši oblik ocjenjivanjaTakođer bi trebao koristiti ​**povratnu informaciju od učenika** za daljnja poboljšanja
-Stillnot all of the work during the educational process can be done by the teacherIts effectiveness does depend on the learner as wellIn order to contribute to their own learning, students should be:+Ipakučitelj ne može cijeli proces edukacije obaviti samUčinkovitost procesa edukacije ovisi i o učenicimaKako bi doprinijeli svom vlastitom učenju oni bi trebali biti
-  * **aware of the facilitative conditions** implemented for their benefit, 
-  * **aware that the problem** to be learned is realistic, relevant and meaningful 
-  * **motivated**,​ since motivation is, according to Rogers, a tendency towards self-actualization present in all healthy individuals. 
-If all the necessary conditions are satisfied,+  * **svjesni o uvjetima facilitacije** provedenih u njihovu korist, 
 +  * **svjesni da je problem** koji će naučiti stvaran, relevantan i značajan 
 +  * **motivirani**,​ jer je motivacija, prema Rogersu, tendencija prema samoaktualizaciji koja je prisutna kod svih zdravih pojedinaca.
-  * "//​learning becomes lifeand a very vital life at that. The student is on his way, sometimes excitedly, sometimes reluctantly,​ to becoming a learning, changing being.//"​(([[http://​www.mona.uwi.edu/​idu/​TrashLater/​InterpersonalRelationships.rtf|Rogers,​ Carl R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning. In Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education Association,​ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,​ p1-18. 1967.]])) +Ako su zadovoljeni svi uvjeti,
-===== What is the practical meaning of facilitation theory? =====+
-Rogers'​ theoryas statedhas rather clear implementation goalsyet they are not always so easy to introduce to the classroomEstablishing a close contact with the studentsgetting to know them and offering them empathy ​and support requires a great amount of effort from teacherswho mostly ignore this side of educational process and orientate only on knowledge they are supposed to pass on to the students.+  * "//​učenje postaje životi to vrlo važan život. Učenik je na putuponekad uzbuđen ponekad u dilemida postane biće koje uči i mijenja se.//"​(([[http://​www.mona.uwi.edu/​idu/​TrashLater/​InterpersonalRelationships.rtf|Rogers,​ Carl R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of LearningIn Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education AssociationAssociation for Supervision ​and Curriculum Developmentp1-18. 1967.]]))
-Some of Rogers'​ Advice for implementing the the //core conditions//​ are the following(([[http://​www.mona.uwi.edu/​idu/​TrashLater/​InterpersonalRelationships.rtf|Rogers,​ Carl R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning. In Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education Association,​ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,​ p1-18. 1967.]])): 
-  * Realness. Being real does not mean to release all the frustrations and anger on the students. That kind of teacher should not be in the classroom at all. "​**//​The attitudes being expressed in being real must be attitudes of respect, warmth, caring, liking and understanding.//​**"​ The teacher must not pretend to be all-knowing and perfect, since the students know that can't be the truth. +===== Koje je praktično značanje teorije facilitacije?​ =====
-  * Acceptance. Teachers should **prize all students** not for their positive/​negative characteristics,​ but because they are all valuable human beings. This prizing can manifest as listening to what students are saying, but not necessary as listening to evaluate, but **listening** to learn his **ideas**, **thoughts** and **feelings**. Students need to feel free to explain their thoughts. Prizing can also manifest through responding to what the students say. +
-  * Empathy. Empathy enables teacher to understand the reasons that led the student to certain behavior or an answer, but also to understand his emotional situation that needs to be solved in order to enable significant learning.+
-Reported positive results of Rogers'​ theory in practice include: fewer disciplinary problems in the classroombetter knowledge and IQ test scoresusage of higher levels of thinking, fewer acts of vandalism, positive self-regard,​ increase in creativity and other.(([[http://​psycnet.apa.org/​psycinfo/​1989-27479-001|AspyD., Roebuck, F. Our research and our findings.  ​In:  Rogers, C. R.  Freedom to learn: a view of what education might become, p. 199-217. Columbus, OH, Charles E. Merrill, 1969.]] Cited by [[http://​www.ibe.unesco.org/​publications/​ThinkersPdf/​rogerse.PDF|Zimring,​ Fred. Carl Rogers. Prospects: the quarterly review of comparative education 24, no. 3/4: 411-422, 1994.]]))+Rogersova teorijakako je navedenoima jasne ciljeve koje nije uvijek lagano uvesti u učionicuTo su uspostavljanje bliskog kontakta sa učenicimaupoznavanje te pružanje empatije i podrške što zahtijeva veliku količinu truda od strane učiteljaUčitelji većinom ignoriraju ovaj dio edukacijskog procesa i orijentirani su samo na znanje koje bi trebali prenijeti učenicima.  ​
 +Neki od Rogersovih savjeta koji su primijenjeni u //temeljnim uvjetima// su(([[http://​www.mona.uwi.edu/​idu/​TrashLater/​InterpersonalRelationships.rtf|Rogers,​ Carl R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning. In Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education Association,​ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,​ p1-18. 1967.]])):
-===== Criticisms =====+  * Realnost. Biti realan ne znači iskazivati frustracije i gnjev na učenicima. Takvoj vrsti podučavanja nije mjesto u učionici. "​**//​Stav izražen u segmentu realnosti se odnosi na stav poštovanja,​ topline, brige, sviđanja i razumijevanja.//​**"​ Učitelj se ne smije pretvarati da je sveznajući i savršen jer studenti ionako znaju da to nije moguće. 
 +  * Prihvaćanje. Učitelji bi trebali **prihvatiti sve studente** ne zbog njihovih dobrih/​negativnih karakteristika,​ već zato što su svi oni dragocjena ljudska bića. To prihvaćanje se može manifestirati kao slušanje studenata što govore, ne u cilju ocjenjivanja onoga šta su rekli, već **slušanja** kako bi naučili njihove **ideje**, **misli** i **osjećaje**. Učenici se moraju osjećati slobodnima u objašnjavanju svojih ideja. Prihvaćanje se također može manifestirati u vidu odgovaranja na ono što je rekao učenik. 
 +  * Empatija. Empatija omogućava učiteljima da shvate razloge koji su doveli studente do određenih ponašanja ili odgovora, ali i za razumijevanje njihovih emocionalnih situacija koje se moraju razriješiti kako bi se omogućilo značajno učenje. ​
-Rogers'​ theory is criticized for similar reasons as other humanist theoriesdoubtable claim about the inherent human goodness, and willingness ​to learn.+Pronađeni pozitivni rezultati Rogersove teorije u praksi uključujumanje disciplinskih problema u učionicamabolje znanje i veći rezultati na IQ testovima, korištenje viših procesa mišljenja, manje vandalizma, pozitivni samoobzir, povećanje kreativnosti i drugih.(([[http://​psycnet.apa.org/​psycinfo/​1989-27479-001|Aspy,​ D., Roebuck, F. Our research ​and our findings. ​ In:  Rogers, C. R.  Freedom ​to learn: a view of what education might become, p. 199-217. Columbus, OH, Charles E. Merrill, 1969.]] Cited by [[http://​www.ibe.unesco.org/​publications/​ThinkersPdf/​rogerse.PDF|Zimring,​ Fred. Carl Rogers. Prospects: the quarterly review of comparative education 24, no. 3/4: 411-422, 1994.]]))
-===== Keywords and most important names ===== 
-  ​* **facilitation theory**, **facilitative teacher**, **realness**, **acceptance**, **empathy**+===== Kritika ===== 
 +Rogersova teorija je kritizirana zbog sličnih razloga kao i druge humanističke teorije: sumnjivost tvrdnji o prirođenoj dobroti ljudi i volji za učenjem. 
 +===== Ključne riječi i najvažnija imena ===== 
 +  ​* **teoriaj facilitacije**, **facilitirani učitelj**, **realnost**, **prihvaćanje**, **empatija**
   * [[http://​www.nrogers.com/​carlrogersbio.html|Carl Rogers]]   * [[http://​www.nrogers.com/​carlrogersbio.html|Carl Rogers]]
-===== Bibliography ​=====+===== Literatura ​=====
 Rogers, Carl R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning. In Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education Association,​ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,​ p1-18. 1967. Rogers, Carl R. The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of Learning. In Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process. Ed. T. Leeper. National Education Association,​ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,​ p1-18. 1967.
Redak 66: Redak 69:
 [[http://​www.sageofasheville.com/​pub_downloads/​CARL_ROGERS_AND_HUMANISTIC_EDUCATION.pdf|Patterson,​ C. H. Carl Rogers and Humanistic Education. In Foundations for a Theory of Instruction and Educational Psychology, Chapter 5. Harper & Row, 1977.]] [[http://​www.sageofasheville.com/​pub_downloads/​CARL_ROGERS_AND_HUMANISTIC_EDUCATION.pdf|Patterson,​ C. H. Carl Rogers and Humanistic Education. In Foundations for a Theory of Instruction and Educational Psychology, Chapter 5. Harper & Row, 1977.]]
-[[http://​www.brookes.ac.uk/​services/​ocsld/​resources/​theories.html#​holistic|Theories of learning: Holistic learning theory. Oxford Brookes University.]] ​Retrieved March 222011.+[[http://​www.brookes.ac.uk/​services/​ocsld/​resources/​theories.html#​holistic|Theories of learning: Holistic learning theory. Oxford Brookes University.]] ​Preuzeto ​22. ožujka ​2011.
-===== Read more =====+===== Pročitaj više =====
 [[http://​www.amazon.com/​Freedom-Learn-Education-Might-Become/​dp/​0675095794|Rogers,​ Carl R. Freedom to Learn: A View of What Education Might Become. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1969.]] [[http://​www.amazon.com/​Freedom-Learn-Education-Might-Become/​dp/​0675095794|Rogers,​ Carl R. Freedom to Learn: A View of What Education Might Become. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1969.]]
 [[http://​www.infed.org/​thinkers/​et-rogers.htm|Smith,​ M. K. Carl Rogers and informal education, the encyclopaedia of informal education. 1997 - 2004.]] [[http://​www.infed.org/​thinkers/​et-rogers.htm|Smith,​ M. K. Carl Rogers and informal education, the encyclopaedia of informal education. 1997 - 2004.]]
 +[[http://​search.ebscohost.com/​login.aspx?​direct=true&​db=mnh&​AN=20377399&​site=ehost-live|Freeman S, Wright A, Lindqvist S. Facilitator training for educators involved in interprofessional learning. Journal Of Interprofessional Care, 24(4), 375-385. 2010 ]]
 +[[http://​search.ebscohost.com/​login.aspx?​direct=true&​db=rzh&​AN=2011692271&​site=ehost-live|Khan M, Epperson M, El-Bassel N, et al. The Promise of Multimedia Technology for STI/HIV Prevention: Frameworks for Understanding Improved Facilitator Delivery and Participant Learning. AIDS & Behavior, 16(7), 1949-1960. 2012.]]
hr/instructional_design/facilitation_theory.1386879627.txt.gz · Zadnja izmjena: 2023/06/19 15:49 (vanjsko uređivanje)