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hr:instructional_design:incidental_learning [2013/12/14 16:14] icrnko [Kritike] |
hr:instructional_design:incidental_learning [2023/06/19 16:03] (trenutno) |
Redak 22: | Redak 22: | ||
=====Kritike===== | =====Kritike===== | ||
- | Ovisno o definiciji, nenamjerno učenje se, ili ne može koristiti u obrazovanju ((Ako je definirano tako da ni namjera ni izvor osobe koja uči ne smije biti učenje.)) ili se može koristiti, ali onda uglavnom ignorira načela instrukcijskog dizajna kako bi se "sakrio" dio učenja od učenika (primjerice, sadrže obilje drugih materijala koji posreduje interes učenika). Također, s obzriom da je nenamjerno učenje subjektivno, isto kao i u slučaju [[syntax#|učenja otkrićem]], lako može rezultirati zabludom ili nesigurnošću uistinu važnih dijelova materijala za učenje(([[|Rieber, L. P. Animation, incidental learning, and continuing motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology 83, no. 3: 318–328. 1991.]])). | + | Ovisno o definiciji, nenamjerno učenje se, ili ne može koristiti u obrazovanju ((Ako je definirano tako da ni namjera ni izvor osobe koja uči ne smije biti učenje.)) ili se može koristiti, ali onda uglavnom ignorira načela instrukcijskog dizajna kako bi se "sakrio" dio učenja od učenika (primjerice, sadrže obilje drugih materijala koji posreduje interes učenika). Također, s obzirom da je nenamjerno učenje subjektivno, isto kao i u slučaju [[syntax#|učenja otkrićem]], lako može rezultirati zabludom ili nesigurnošću uistinu važnih dijelova materijala za učenje(([[|Rieber, L. P. Animation, incidental learning, and continuing motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology 83, no. 3: 318–328. 1991.]])). |
===== Ključne riječi ===== | ===== Ključne riječi ===== | ||
Redak 33: | Redak 33: | ||
===== Pročitaj više ===== | ===== Pročitaj više ===== | ||
[[|Silva, Polly M. Epistemology of Incidental Learning. Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Dissertation. 2007.]]\\ | [[|Silva, Polly M. Epistemology of Incidental Learning. Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Dissertation. 2007.]]\\ | ||
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Marsick, Victoria J., and Karen E. Watkins. Informal and Incidental Learning. In New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. Jossey-Bass, A Publishing Unit of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001.\\ | Marsick, Victoria J., and Karen E. Watkins. Informal and Incidental Learning. In New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. Jossey-Bass, A Publishing Unit of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001.\\ | ||
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[[|Bova, B. and Kroth, M. Workplace Learning and Generation X. Journal of Workplace Learning. 13(2), p57-65. 2001.]]\\ | [[|Bova, B. and Kroth, M. Workplace Learning and Generation X. Journal of Workplace Learning. 13(2), p57-65. 2001.]]\\ | ||
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[[|Kerka, S. Incidental learning: trends and issues. Alert No. 18, Educational resources information center. 2000.]]\\ | [[|Kerka, S. Incidental learning: trends and issues. Alert No. 18, Educational resources information center. 2000.]]\\ | ||
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[[|Wray, N. P. Some factors in the concurrent intentional and incidental learning of children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 6(1), p13-21. 1968.]]\\ | [[|Wray, N. P. Some factors in the concurrent intentional and incidental learning of children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 6(1), p13-21. 1968.]]\\ | ||
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[[|Comstock, George. Trends in the Study of Incidental Learning from Television Viewing. Syracuse University Printing Services, 125 College Place, Syracuse, New York 13210, 1978.]] | [[|Comstock, George. Trends in the Study of Incidental Learning from Television Viewing. Syracuse University Printing Services, 125 College Place, Syracuse, New York 13210, 1978.]] | ||
+ | [[|Jiang Y, Swallow K, Rosenbaum G. Guidance of spatial attention by incidental learning and endogenous cuing. Journal Of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception And Performance, 39(1), 285-297. 2013.]] | ||
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+ | [[|Caine K. Age-Related Differences in Learning Incidental, Environmental Information. Experimental Aging Research, 37(1), 17-45. 2011.]] | ||
==== Recentna literatura ==== | ==== Recentna literatura ==== | ||
[[|Liu, Y. Toward a Comprehensive Model of Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning: To Integrate Instructed Learning with Incidental Learning. Asian Social Science, 9(10), p142-150. 2013.]]\\ | [[|Liu, Y. Toward a Comprehensive Model of Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning: To Integrate Instructed Learning with Incidental Learning. Asian Social Science, 9(10), p142-150. 2013.]]\\ | ||
[[|Dabaghi, A. i Rafiee, M. Incidental Vocabulary Learning and the Development of Receptive and Productive Vocabulary: How Gloss Types Work. Suvremena lingvistika, 38(74). 2012.]] | [[|Dabaghi, A. i Rafiee, M. Incidental Vocabulary Learning and the Development of Receptive and Productive Vocabulary: How Gloss Types Work. Suvremena lingvistika, 38(74). 2012.]] | ||