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instructional_design:elaboration_theory [2011/03/14 10:33]
jpetrovic [Read more]
instructional_design:elaboration_theory [2023/06/19 16:03] (current)
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 ===== General ===== ===== General =====
-Elaboration theory is one of the [[learning_paradigms:​cognitivism|cognitivist models for instructional design]] proposed by [[http://​​~syschang/​decatur/​bios/​biographies.html|Charles Reigeluth]] and his associates in the late 1970s. It was based on the cognitive research findings available at the time and influenced by works of [[http://​​bruner/​|Jerome Bruner]] (see: [[instructional_design:​discovery learning]]) and [[http://​​|David Ausubel]] (see: [[learning_theories:​assimilation theory]]). Very well accepted, elaboration theory was offering suggestions on how to **organize and sequence different types of instruction on macro level**. For organizing instructions on the micro level, Reigeluth suggested using [[http://​​index.htm|Dave Merrill]]'​s [[instructional_design:​component display theory]].+Elaboration theory is one of the [[learning_paradigms:​cognitivism|cognitivist models for instructional design]] proposed by [[http://​​~syschang/​decatur/​bios/​biographies.html|Charles Reigeluth]] and his associates in the late 1970s. It was based on the cognitive research findings available at the time and influenced by works of [[http://​​bruner/​|Jerome Bruner]] (see: [[instructional_design:​discovery learning]]) and [[http://​​|David Ausubel]] (see: [[learning_theories:​assimilation theory]])(([[http://​​reigelut.html|Kearsley,​ Greg. Elaboration Theory (C. Reigeluth). The Theory Into Practice Database.]])). Very well accepted, elaboration theory was offering suggestions on how to **organize and sequence different types of instruction on macro level**.(([[http://​​content/​m9380ql6k1107801/​|Reigeluth,​ Charles M. In search of a better way to organize instruction:​ The elaboration theory. Journal of Instructional Development 2, no. 3 : 8-15, 1979.]])) ​For organizing instructions on the micro level, Reigeluth suggested using [[http://​​index.htm|Dave Merrill]]'​s [[instructional_design:​component display theory]].
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 The key principle of the elaboration theory is that the **content** being taught should be organized **starting from the simplest** and then increasing order of complexity and that learner has to **develop a concept** in which new ideas will be meaningful and well accepted. ​ The key principle of the elaboration theory is that the **content** being taught should be organized **starting from the simplest** and then increasing order of complexity and that learner has to **develop a concept** in which new ideas will be meaningful and well accepted. ​
-In context of elaboration theory, Reigeluth distinguishes between domain expertise (the process of becoming an expert in the body of knowledge of a more theoretical discipline) and task expertise (the process of becoming an expert in the procedural knowledge of a discipline involving more practical tasks). In order to teach a student to become one of the two, elaboration theory suggests instruction should be organized in the following **eight strategies**:​+In context of elaboration theory, Reigeluth distinguishes between domain expertise (the process of becoming an expert in the body of knowledge of a more theoretical discipline) and task expertise (the process of becoming an expert in the procedural knowledge of a discipline involving more practical tasks). In order to teach a student to become one of the two, elaboration theory suggests instruction should be organized in the following **eight strategies**(([[http://​​content/​m9380ql6k1107801/​|Reigeluth,​ Charles M. In search of a better way to organize instruction:​ The elaboration theory. Journal of Instructional Development 2, no. 3 : 8-15, 1979.]] Cited by [[http://​​wxh139/​Elaborate.htm|Ho,​ Wenyi. Reigeluth’s Elaboration Theory.]]))(([[http://​​ERICWebPortal/​detail?​accno=ED348040|Wilson,​ Brent, and Peggy Cole. A critical review of elaboration theory. Educational Technology Research and Development 40, no. 3: 63-79, September 1992.]])):
 [[http://​​edit5370/​mod7.html|{{ ​ :​images:​elaborationtheory.jpg|Elaboration theory graphical overview. Image borrowed from: http://​​edit5370/​mod7.html. Click on the picture to follow the link}}]] [[http://​​edit5370/​mod7.html|{{ ​ :​images:​elaborationtheory.jpg|Elaboration theory graphical overview. Image borrowed from: http://​​edit5370/​mod7.html. Click on the picture to follow the link}}]]
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   * **Learner control** can also increase effectiveness of learning. Reigeluth suggest learners should practice control over instructional strategies and content.   * **Learner control** can also increase effectiveness of learning. Reigeluth suggest learners should practice control over instructional strategies and content.
-[[instructional_design:​elaboration_theory&#​criticisms|Criticisms]] of the elaboration theory resulted in a new more holistic approach presented by Reigeluth in 1992, called simplifying conditions method (SCM). In simplifying conditions method Reigeluth suggested instructional designers should "//​work with experts to identify a simple case thet is as representative as possible of the task as a whole//"​(())+[[instructional_design:​elaboration_theory&#​criticisms|Criticisms]] of the elaboration theory resulted in a new more holistic approach presented by Reigeluth in 1992, called simplifying conditions method (SCM). In simplifying conditions method Reigeluth suggested instructional designers should "//​work with experts to identify a simple case that is as representative as possible of the task as a whole//"​(( 
 +[[http://​​content/​5767wv8842k78q2g/​|Reigeluth,​ Charles M. Elaborating the elaboration theory. Educational Technology Research and Development 40, no. 3: 80-86. September 1992.]])). This representative would serve as an epitome of the course.
 ===== Criticisms ===== ===== Criticisms =====
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 [[http://​​~bwilson/​elab.html|Wilson,​ Brent, and Peggy Cole. A critical review of elaboration theory. Educational Technology Research an Development 40, no. 3: 63-79. September 1992.]] [[http://​​~bwilson/​elab.html|Wilson,​ Brent, and Peggy Cole. A critical review of elaboration theory. Educational Technology Research an Development 40, no. 3: 63-79. September 1992.]]
-[[http://​​elaboration-theory-reigeluth.html|Elaboration Theory (Reigeluth) at Learning Theories.]]+[[http://​​elaboration-theory-reigeluth.html|Elaboration Theory (Reigeluth) at Learning Theories.]] ​Retrieved March 11, 2011.
-[[http://​​reigelut.html|TIP:​ Elaboration Theory (C. Reigeluth).]]+[[http://​​reigelut.html|TIP:​ Elaboration Theory (C. Reigeluth).]] ​Retrieved March 8, 2011.
-[[http://​​wxh139/​Elaborate.htm|Ho,​ Weny. Reigeluth'​s Elaboration Theory. Pennsylvania.]]+[[http://​​wxh139/​Elaborate.htm|Ho,​ Weny. Reigeluth'​s Elaboration Theory. Pennsylvania.]] ​Retrieved March 11, 2011.
 ===== Read more ===== ===== Read more =====
-Reigeluth, C.M. The elaboration theory: Guidance for scope and sequence decisions. In C.M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional-Design Theories and Models: A New Paradigm of Instructional Theory. (Volume II). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. 1999. +[[http://​​books?​id=AbJc4Kg6XQoC&​printsec=frontcover&​dq=Instructional-design+theories+and+models&​hl=hr&​ei=xpTKTeuXBYWCOvWu0M8H&​sa=X&​oi=book_result&​ct=result&​resnum=1&​ved=0CDkQ6AEwAA#​v=onepage&​q&​f=false|Reigeluth, C.M. The elaboration theory: Guidance for scope and sequence decisions. In C.M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional-Design Theories and Models: A New Paradigm of Instructional Theory. (Volume II). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. 1999.]]
 [[http://​​content/​5767wv8842k78q2g/​|Reigeluth,​ Charles M. Elaborating the elaboration theory. Educational Technology Research and Development 40, no. 3: 80-86. September 1992.]] [[http://​​content/​5767wv8842k78q2g/​|Reigeluth,​ Charles M. Elaborating the elaboration theory. Educational Technology Research and Development 40, no. 3: 80-86. September 1992.]]
instructional_design/elaboration_theory.1300098816.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 15:49 (external edit)