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instructional_design:inquiry-based_learning [2011/04/27 14:28]
jpetrovic [What is inquiry-based learning?]
instructional_design:inquiry-based_learning [2023/06/19 16:03] (current)
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 ===== General ===== ===== General =====
-Inquiry-based learning (also //​enquiry-based learning//, //inquiry learning// or //​inquiry-guided learning//) is a constructivist instructional strategy widely adopted in the **1970s**(([[http://​​smpp/​content~content=a925982577~db=all~jumptype=rss|Spronken-Smith,​ Rachel, and Rebecca Walker. Can inquiry-based learning strengthen the links between teaching and disciplinary research?​” Studies in Higher Education 35, no. 6: 723-740. September 2010.]])) and based on [[http://​​|John Dewey]]'​s views on learning as **active**, **learner-centered** process which should be based on **real-world examples** instead of rote fact memorization. Inquiry represents questioning which fosters curiosity ​and questioning by students. ​During the inquiry-based ​learning discovery is guided by learners through **forming questions** and **finding answers** ​to those questions ​alone or in teams.+Inquiry-based learning (also //​enquiry-based learning//, //inquiry learning// or //​inquiry-guided learning//) is a [[learning_paradigms:​constructivism&#​Instructional design theories and learning models:|constructivist instructional strategy]] widely adopted in the **1970s**(([[http://​​smpp/​content~content=a925982577~db=all~jumptype=rss|Spronken-Smith,​ Rachel, and Rebecca Walker. Can inquiry-based learning strengthen the links between teaching and disciplinary research?​” Studies in Higher Education 35, no. 6: 723-740. September 2010.]])) and based on [[http://​​|John Dewey]]'​s views on learning as **active**, **learner-centered** process which should be based on **real-world examples** instead of rote fact memorization. ​//Inquiry// represents questioning which fosters curiosity ​in students. ​Although different authors suggest different ​inquiry-based ​strategies, they are usually used to promote ​alone or collaborative,​ 
 +  * "//​active,​ and increasingly independent,​ investigation of questions, problems and issues, often for which there is no single answer.//"​(([[http://​​Teaching-Learning-Through-Inquiry-Institutions/​dp/​1579220819#​reader_1579220819|Lee,​ Virginia S. Teaching and Learning Through Inquiry: A Guidebook for Institutions and Instructors,​ p5. Stylus Publishing, 2004.]])) 
 ===== What is inquiry-based learning? ===== ===== What is inquiry-based learning? =====
-The idea of inquiry-based learning is to foster characteristics of good learners and encourage them in the educational process. These characteristics(([[http://​​arvindgupta/​taasa.pdf|Postman,​ Neil, and Charles Weingartner. Teaching as a subversive activity. Dell, 1980.]])) ​include confidence in the ability to learn, enjoying problem-solving,​ trusting one's own judgement, not fearing being wrong, a flexible point of view, and respect for facts. ​These qualities, according to Postman and Weingartner(([[http://​​arvindgupta/​taasa.pdf|Postman,​ Neil, and Charles Weingartner. Teaching as a subversive activity. Dell, 1980.]])) can be fostered through an approach in which the teacher:+The idea of inquiry-based learning is to foster characteristics of good learners and encourage them in the educational process. These characteristics include confidence in the ability to learn, enjoying problem-solving,​ trusting one's own judgement, not fearing being wrong, a flexible point of view, and respect for facts.(([[http://​​arvindgupta/​taasa.pdf|Postman,​ Neil, and Charles Weingartner. Teaching as a subversive activity. Dell, 1980.]])) ​These qualities ​can be fostered through an approach in which the teacher(([[http://​​arvindgupta/​taasa.pdf|Postman,​ Neil, and Charles Weingartner. Teaching as a subversive activity. Dell, 1980.]])):
   * rarely tells the students what they need to know since that would reduce their excitement in finding things out on their own,   * rarely tells the students what they need to know since that would reduce their excitement in finding things out on their own,
-  * interacts with students mostly through questioning and encourages ​interaction among students,+  * interacts with students mostly through questioning and encourages students ​to interact among themselves,
   * does not accept short answers, but rather tries to deepen them by further questioning,​   * does not accept short answers, but rather tries to deepen them by further questioning,​
   * rarely summarizes what students'​ discussion and what they have learned since learning is a continuous process.   * rarely summarizes what students'​ discussion and what they have learned since learning is a continuous process.
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 Advantages of inquiry-based learning are **increase in students motivation**,​ active approach to learning, academic skills and intellectual habits(([[http://​​ijsotl/​v3n1/​articles/​PDFs/​Article_JusticeRiceWarry.pdf|Justice,​ C., J. Rice, and W. Warry. Academic skill development–inquiry seminars can make a difference: evidence from a quasi-experimental study. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 3, no. 1. 2009.]])). Students are also encouraged to develop of critical thinking, **reflect on their learning**, use different learning resources and gain **deeper understanding of the course concepts**.(([[http://​​pdf/​ibl.pdf|Lane,​ J. Inquiry-based Learning. Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, Penn State. 15th September 2007.]])) Advantages of inquiry-based learning are **increase in students motivation**,​ active approach to learning, academic skills and intellectual habits(([[http://​​ijsotl/​v3n1/​articles/​PDFs/​Article_JusticeRiceWarry.pdf|Justice,​ C., J. Rice, and W. Warry. Academic skill development–inquiry seminars can make a difference: evidence from a quasi-experimental study. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 3, no. 1. 2009.]])). Students are also encouraged to develop of critical thinking, **reflect on their learning**, use different learning resources and gain **deeper understanding of the course concepts**.(([[http://​​pdf/​ibl.pdf|Lane,​ J. Inquiry-based Learning. Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, Penn State. 15th September 2007.]]))
-Various areas in which inquiry-based learning has been applied include ecology, endocrinology,​ political communication,​ engineering and sociology(()).+Various areas in which inquiry-based learning has been applied include ecology, endocrinology,​ political communication,​ engineering and sociology(([[http://​​smpp/​content~db=all~content=a932476124~frm=titlelink|Spronken-Smith,​ Rachel, Rebecca Walker, Julie Batchelor, Billy O’Steen, and Tom Angelo. Enablers and constraints to the use of inquiry-based learning in undergraduate education. Teaching in Higher Education 16, no. 1: 15-28. February 2011.]])).
 ===== What is the practical meaning of inquiry-based learning? ===== ===== What is the practical meaning of inquiry-based learning? =====
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 ===== Criticisms ===== ===== Criticisms =====
 +See: [[learning_paradigms:​constructivism&#​Criticisms|criticisms of constructivist approach to learning]].
 +===== Keywords =====
-===== Keywords and most important names ===== +  * **Inquiry-based learning**
- +
 ===== Bibliography ===== ===== Bibliography =====
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 [[http://​​pdf/​ibl.pdf|Lane,​ J. Inquiry-based Learning. Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, Penn State. 15th September 2007.]] [[http://​​pdf/​ibl.pdf|Lane,​ J. Inquiry-based Learning. Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, Penn State. 15th September 2007.]]
-[[http://​​programs/​meeting_notes/​What_is_IBL.pdf|Cultural Connections - What is Inquiry Based Learning.]] 
 [[http://​​|Inquiry Page. University of Illinois.]] Retrieved April 26, 2011. [[http://​​|Inquiry Page. University of Illinois.]] Retrieved April 26, 2011.
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 [[http://​​books?​id=ybNL93nrtwwC&​printsec=frontcover&​dq=Inquiry+in+education&​hl=hr&​ei=XR64TaucJcaSOo3O3PgO&​sa=X&​oi=book_result&​ct=book-preview-link&​resnum=1&​ved=0CCsQuwUwAA#​v=onepage&​q&​f=false|Johnston,​ James Scott. Inquiry and education: John Dewey and the quest for democracy. SUNY Press, 2006.]] [[http://​​books?​id=ybNL93nrtwwC&​printsec=frontcover&​dq=Inquiry+in+education&​hl=hr&​ei=XR64TaucJcaSOo3O3PgO&​sa=X&​oi=book_result&​ct=book-preview-link&​resnum=1&​ved=0CCsQuwUwAA#​v=onepage&​q&​f=false|Johnston,​ James Scott. Inquiry and education: John Dewey and the quest for democracy. SUNY Press, 2006.]]
 +[[http://​​books?​id=6byksA2b9_YC|Benson,​ Chris, and Christian, Scott. Writing to make a difference: classroom projects for community change. Teachers College Press, 2002.]]
-Benson, Chris, and Christian, Scott. Writing to make a differenceclassroom projects for community changeTeachers College Press, 2002. +[[​books?​id=fsSPnW9jxbEC|Brew, A. The nature of research: Inquiry in academic contexts. New York : Routledge/​Farmer. 2001.]]
- +
-Brew, A. The nature of research: Inquiry in academic contexts. New York : Routledge/​Farmer. 2001.+
-Allen, P. and Greeves, H. Inquiry-based learning: A case study in Asian Studies. HERDSA News, 21-23. April 2005.+[[http://​​goto?​i=x&​w=153076977&​|Allen, P. and Greeves, H. Inquiry-based learning: A case study in Asian Studies. HERDSA News, 21-23. April 2005.]]
instructional_design/inquiry-based_learning.1303914513.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 15:49 (external edit)