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knowledge_assessment:q-matrix [2012/07/11 09:13]
knowledge_assessment:q-matrix [2023/06/19 16:03] (current)
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 +==== Discussion ====
 +As Sellers found in her research, the results obtained through q-matrix analysis seem to describe relationships among variables in interpretable ways. Factor analysis and principal components analysis, on the other hand, do not readily offer interpretable results.
-((see Ham85 for discussion of item-response theory))+Later researchers found that, although the q-matrix model was good way to compare student data to a concept model, expert-constructed q-matrices did not correspond to student data any better than random q-matrices did.
 +The findings in Brewer'​s previous research, which found that the factor analysis method performed poorly in comparison with the q-matrix method when fewer observations were available.
 +==== Literature ====
-==== Discussion ====+[[http://​​xpls/​abs_all.jsp?​arnumber=4958804&​tag=1|Shuqun, Yang, Cai Shenzheng, Yao Zhiqiang, and Ding Shuliang. “The Concept Lattices of Q-Matrices.” In First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science, 2009. ETCS ’09, 1:413 –417, 2009. doi:​10.1109/​ETCS.2009.101.]]
-As Sellers found in her researchthe results obtained through q-matrix analysis seem to describe relationships among variables in interpretable waysFactor analysis ​and principal components analysis, on the other hand, do not readily offer interpretable results.+[[http://​​~tbarnes2/​itsfall04/​papers/​acm.pdf|BarnesBitzerFault Tolerant Teaching ​and Automated Knowledge Assessment.]]
-Later researchers found thatalthough the q-matrix model was a good way to compare student data to a concept model, expert-constructed q-matrices did not correspond to student data any better than random q-matrices did.+[[http://​​ir/​bitstream/​1840.16/​4612/​1/​etd.pdf|BarnesTiffany Michelle. “The Q-Matrix Method of Fault-Tolerant Teaching in Knowledge Assessment and Data Mining.” North Carolina State University, 2003.]] 
 +[[http://​​viewdoc/​download?​doi=​rep=rep1&​type=pdf|Barnes,​ M. T. The Q-Matrix Method: Mining Student Response Data for Knowledge.]]
-The findings in Brewer'​s previous research, which found that the factor analysis method performed poorly in comparison with the q-matrix method when fewer observations were available. 
knowledge_assessment/q-matrix.1341997997.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 15:49 (external edit)