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learning_paradigms [2013/12/02 11:27]
learning_paradigms [2023/06/19 16:03] (current)
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 ===== Learning paradigms ===== ===== Learning paradigms =====
 Learning theories are usually divided into several [[glossary#​paradigm|paradigms]] which represent **different perspectives on the learning process**. [[glossary#​theory|Theories]] within the same paradigm share the same basic point of view. Currently, the most commonly accepted learning paradigms are //​behaviorism//,​ //​cognitivism//,​ //​constructivism//,​ //​connectivism//,​ and //​humanism//​.((In some resources //social learning// is added as a paradigm, //​humanism//​ or //​constructivism//​ are ignored and //​connectivism//​ is a new paradigm that is still not widely accepted.)). Learning theories are usually divided into several [[glossary#​paradigm|paradigms]] which represent **different perspectives on the learning process**. [[glossary#​theory|Theories]] within the same paradigm share the same basic point of view. Currently, the most commonly accepted learning paradigms are //​behaviorism//,​ //​cognitivism//,​ //​constructivism//,​ //​connectivism//,​ and //​humanism//​.((In some resources //social learning// is added as a paradigm, //​humanism//​ or //​constructivism//​ are ignored and //​connectivism//​ is a new paradigm that is still not widely accepted.)).
learning_paradigms.1385983665.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 15:49 (external edit)