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learning_paradigms_and_theories [2016/04/04 08:00]
jpetrovic [About us]
learning_paradigms_and_theories [2023/06/19 16:03] (current)
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 ====== About this wiki ====== ====== About this wiki ======
 In knowledge society **theories of learning and teaching** are **the very foundations** of all activities. The wealth of scientific work and results in this field during 20th century is far from being used, even far from being known to all who practice teaching. As the ultimate goal of the authors of these pages is **bettering learning** and teaching in practice, in these pages we attempted to create a comprehensive yet intuitive, logical and easy to use overview of **research on theory and practice of learning and teaching**. In knowledge society **theories of learning and teaching** are **the very foundations** of all activities. The wealth of scientific work and results in this field during 20th century is far from being used, even far from being known to all who practice teaching. As the ultimate goal of the authors of these pages is **bettering learning** and teaching in practice, in these pages we attempted to create a comprehensive yet intuitive, logical and easy to use overview of **research on theory and practice of learning and teaching**.
 ====== Content ====== ====== Content ======
-|Our overview of learning theories literature ​ | -> |  [[what_is_learning|What is learning]] ​ |  ** [[learning_paradigms|Learning paradigms and theories]] **  |  [[implications|Implications summary]] ​ +|Our overview of learning theories literature ​ ||  [[:what_is_learning|What is learning]] ​  ​|  **[[:learning_paradigms|Learning paradigms and theories]] ​ **   ​|  [[:implications|Implications summary]] ​  ​
- :::   :::  |  [[:​knowledge_assessment:​knowledge|What is knowledge]] ​ |  [[:​knowledge_assessment:​learning_outcomes|Learning outcomes]] ​ |  [[:​knowledge_assessment:​start|Knowledge assessment]] ​ |  +| ::: | ::: |  [[:​knowledge_assessment:​knowledge|What is knowledge]] ​  ​|  [[:​knowledge_assessment:​learning_outcomes|Learning outcomes]] ​  ​|  [[:​knowledge_assessment:​start|Knowledge assessment]] ​  ​
-|Other relevant/​similar information sources ​ | -> |  [[web_pages|Similar web pages]] ​ |  [[journals:​journals|Journals & Magazines]] ​ |  [[conferences|Conferences]] ​ +|Other relevant/​similar information sources ​ ||  [[:web_pages|Similar web pages]] ​  ​|  [[:journals:​journals|Journals & Magazines]] ​  ​|  [[:conferences|Conferences]] ​  ​
-|The //players// in the field you can learn from | -> |  [[People:​Researchers]] ​ |  [[Projects]] ​ |  Institutions ​ | +|The //players// in the field you can learn from||  [[:people:​researchers|Researchers]] ​  ​|  [[:projects|Projects]] ​  ​|  Institutions ​ | 
-|Our free e-learning tools (and [[:​our_publications|publications]]) ​ | ->  ​| ​ [[http://​|AuResS - Audience response system]] ​ |  [[http://​|LeCTo - a lecture capture tool]] ​ |  [[http://​​8080/​decisionTreeResolver/​index.jsp|Decision tree resolver]] ​ | +|Our free e-learning tools (and [[:​our_publications|publications]]) ​ |→  ​| ​ [[http://​|AuResS - Audience response system]] ​  ​|  [[http://​|LeCTo - a lecture capture tool]] ​  ​|  [[http://​​8080/​decisionTreeResolver/​index.jsp|Decision tree resolver]] ​  ​|
 ====== About us ====== ====== About us ======
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 **If you would like to contribute** to these pages with your comments, suggestions or critique, **or collaborate** with us in a broader sense, we would like to [[​subject=Learning Theories Wiki -|hear from you]]. If you use this wiki in your own research, please read the [[:​copyright_notice|copyright notice]]. **If you would like to contribute** to these pages with your comments, suggestions or critique, **or collaborate** with us in a broader sense, we would like to [[​subject=Learning Theories Wiki -|hear from you]]. If you use this wiki in your own research, please read the [[:​copyright_notice|copyright notice]].
learning_paradigms_and_theories.1459756832.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 15:49 (external edit)