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learning_theories:connectionism [2013/12/10 11:28]
ldrenski [General]
learning_theories:connectionism [2023/06/19 16:03] (current)
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-Konekcionizam+====== Connectionism ======
-===== Općenito ​===== +===== General ​===== 
-Konekcionizam se danas definira kao pristup u područjima umjetne inteligencijekognitivne psihologijekognitivne znanosti i filozofije uma kao dio modela mentalnih ili ponašajnih fenomena sa mrežama jednostavnih jedinica ​nije dio teorije u okvirima biheviorizma,​ ali je na njega utjecala i prethodila mu bihevioristička škola učenjaKonekcionizam predstavlja prvu teoriju učenja u psihologiji.(([[ http://​​doc/​41760294/​Educational-Psychology-a-Century-of-Contributions|Mayer,​ Richard E. E. L. Thorndike’s Enduring Contributions to Educational Psychology. In Educational psychology: a century of contributions. Routledge, 2003.]])). ​Ovo je bio uvod od [[http://​​emuseum/​information/​biography/​pqrst/​spencer_herbert.html|Herbert Spencer]], [[http://​​entries/​james/​|William James]]i njegovog studenta ​[[http://​​~psych/​psycweb/​history/​thorndike.htm|Edward Thorndike]] ​na samom početku 20. stoljeća iako njegovi korijeni sežu i dalje u prošlost.+ 
 +Connectionismtoday defined as an approach in the fields of artificial intelligencecognitive psychologycognitive science and philosophy of mind which models mental or behavioral phenomena with networks of simple units(([[http://​​definition/​Connectionism|wordiQ:​ Connectionism - Definition]])),​ is not a theory in frames of [[learning_paradigms:​behaviorism]],​ but it **preceded** and influenced behaviorist school of thought. Connectionism represents psychology'​s first comprehensive theory of learning(([[ http://​​doc/​41760294/​Educational-Psychology-a-Century-of-Contributions|Mayer,​ Richard E. E. L. Thorndike’s Enduring Contributions to Educational Psychology. In Educational psychology: a century of contributions. Routledge, 2003.]])). ​It was introduced by [[http://​​emuseum/​information/​biography/​pqrst/​spencer_herbert.html|Herbert Spencer]], [[http://​​entries/​james/​|William James]] ​and his student ​[[http://​​~psych/​psycweb/​history/​thorndike.htm|Edward Thorndike]] ​in the very **beginning of the 20th century** although its roots date way back.
 ===== What is connectionism?​ ===== ===== What is connectionism?​ =====
learning_theories/connectionism.1386674923.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 15:49 (external edit)