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learning_theories:gestalt_psychology [2011/03/21 08:38]
jpetrovic [Criticisms]
learning_theories:gestalt_psychology [2023/06/19 16:03] (current)
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 ===== General ===== ===== General =====
-[[:​glossary#​gestalt|Gestalt]] psychology was first introduced in 1912 by [[http://​​wiki/​Max_Wertheimer|Max Wertheimer]],​ a German psychologist,​ when he published a paper on optical illusion called //apparent motion//. In the paper he analyzed the illusion occurring when a series of static images is perceived as movement, just like films. The assumption that **whole is more than just sum of its parts** is the basic principle of gestalt psychology. ​+[[:​glossary#​gestalt|Gestalt]] psychology was first introduced in 1912 by [[http://​​wiki/​Max_Wertheimer|Max Wertheimer]](([[http://​​cgboer/​gestalt.html|Boeree,​ George. Gestalt Psychology.]])), a German psychologist,​ when he published a paper on optical illusion called //apparent motion//. In the paper he analyzed the illusion occurring when a series of static images is perceived as movement, just like films. The assumption that **whole is more than just sum of its parts** is the basic principle of gestalt psychology. ​
 ===== What is gestalt psychology? ===== ===== What is gestalt psychology? =====
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 ===== Read more ===== ===== Read more =====
 +[[http://​​books?​id=cLnqI3dvi4kC|Koffka,​ Kurt. Principles of Gestalt Psychology. Routledge, 1999.]]
 [[http://​​Koffka/​Perception/​perception.htm|Koffka,​ K. Perception: An introduction to the Gestalt-theory. Psychological Bulletin, 19, 531-585. 1922.]] [[http://​​Koffka/​Perception/​perception.htm|Koffka,​ K. Perception: An introduction to the Gestalt-theory. Psychological Bulletin, 19, 531-585. 1922.]]
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 Wertheimer, M. A source book of Gestalt psychology. Hartcourt, Brace and Co, New York, 1938. Wertheimer, M. A source book of Gestalt psychology. Hartcourt, Brace and Co, New York, 1938.
 +[[http://​​login.aspx?​direct=true&​db=pdh&​AN=2011-03201-004&​site=ehost-live| Weibler J, Rohn-Endres S. Learning conversation and shared network leadership: Development,​ Gestalt, and consequences. Journal Of Personnel Psychology,​9(4),​181-194. 2010.]]
 +[[http://​​login.aspx?​direct=true&​db=mnh&​AN=14511516&​site=ehost-live| Prodöhl C, Würtz R, von der Malsburg C. Learning the Gestalt rule of collinearity from object motion. Neural Computation,​ 15(8), 1865-1896. 2003.]]
learning_theories/gestalt_psychology.1300696718.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 15:49 (external edit)