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research_results:explanation_prompts [2011/09/14 13:59]
jpetrovic [Theory]
research_results:explanation_prompts [2023/06/19 16:03] (current)
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 ===== Practice ===== ===== Practice =====
 +In practice, explanation prompts can be **verbal**, **automatically generated by a computer** or **incorporated in the learning material**, but no matter the form, their goal is to elicit active processing and verbalization/​explanation of the learned principle.
 +An example of an explanation prompt is the following:
 +  * "//We would like you to read each sentence out loud and then explain what it means to you. That is, what new information does each line provide for you, how does it relate to what you've already read, does it give you a new insight into your understanding of how the circulatory system works, or does it raise a question in your mind. Tell us whatever is going through your mind–even if it seems unimportant.//"​(([[http://​​viewdoc/​download?​doi=​rep=rep1&​type=pdf|Chi,​ M. T. H., DeLeeuw, N., Chiu, M.-H., & LaVancher, C. Eliciting self-explanations improves understanding. Cognitive Science, 18, 439-477, 1994.]]))
 ===== Research status ===== ===== Research status =====
 +A recent research has revealed some negative aspects of explanation prompting. Prompts can lead to cognitive overload facilitating conceptual, but hindering procedural knowledge acquisition.(([[http://​​content/​733216845622539k/​|Berthold,​ Kirsten, Tessa H. S. Eysink, and Alexander Renkl. Assisting self-explanation prompts are more effective than open prompts when learning with multiple representations. Instructional Science 37: 345-363, April 2008.]]))
research_results/explanation_prompts.1316008791.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 15:49 (external edit)