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research_results:worked_examples_effect [2011/09/13 11:47]
jpetrovic [Research status]
research_results:worked_examples_effect [2023/06/19 16:03] (current)
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   * "//​worked examples are no more effective, and possibly less effective, than solving problems.//"​(([[http://​​doi/​abs/​10.1207/​s1532690xci0701_1|Ward,​ Mark, and John Sweller. Structuring Effective Worked Examples. Cognition and Instruction 7: 1-39, 1990.]]))   * "//​worked examples are no more effective, and possibly less effective, than solving problems.//"​(([[http://​​doi/​abs/​10.1207/​s1532690xci0701_1|Ward,​ Mark, and John Sweller. Structuring Effective Worked Examples. Cognition and Instruction 7: 1-39, 1990.]]))
-This is due to the fact that even **worked examples can be badly designed** and not follow the [[research_results:​principles and effects]] of proper instructional design.+This is due to the fact that even **worked examples can be badly designed** and not follow the [[research_results:​principles and effects]] of proper instructional design ​(especially see: [[research_results:​expertise reversal effect]]).
 ===== Research status ===== ===== Research status =====
research_results/worked_examples_effect.1315914429.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/06/19 15:49 (external edit)