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Component Display Theory


Component display theory is one of the cognitivist theories of instructional design introduced by Dave Merrill in the 1980s, whose original intention was to separate content from instructional strategy. In huis own words, “Component Display Theory was an attempt to identify the components from which instructional strategies could be constructed.1)

What is component display theory?

Influenced by Robert Gagne's theory of conditions of learning, Merrill agreed that different learning outcomes require different learning strategies, and his idea therefore was to suggest learning strategies according to target content and performance. Merrill suggested four different categories of content: facts, concepts, procedures and principles, and three different categories of desired performance: remember, use, and find.

Content category: Explanation: The Performance-Content Matrix. Source: Merrill, M. David. The Descriptive Component Display Theory. In Merrill, M. David, and David Twitchell. Instructional design theory, p. 112. Educational Technology, 1994. Click on the picture to follow the link.
Facts arbitrarily associated pieces of information
Concepts a set of objects, events, or symbols with… common characteristics
Procedures an ordered sequence of steps necessary… to accomplish some goal
Principles or predictions of why things happen in the world
Desired performance: Explanation:
Remember2) generality a statement of a definition, principle or the steps in a procedure
Remember instance specific illustration of an object, symbol, event, process or procedure
Use apply a generality to a specific case
Find derive or invent a new abstraction3)

The performance-content matrix is used to identify learning objectives. Each of the matrix fields presents one possible arrangement of learning content and target performance. For example, objective to teach a student to memorize facts and dates reffering to First World War refers to the remember instance/facts field in the matrix, and objective to teach a student to identify humanist ideas in paintings of renaissance artists refers to the find/concept field.

Each so defined learning objective is further characterized by three components: conditions, behavior and criterion. Merrill constructed tables addressing these components for each of the mentioned matrix fields (Still in the mentioned tables he did not distinguish between two types of remembering mentioned above). An example row from the table4) looks like this:

Specification of objectives for performance-content matrix. Image borrowed from: Merrill, M. David. The Descriptive Component Display Theory. In Merrill, M. David, and David Twitchell. Instructional design theory, p. 111. Educational Technology, 1994. Click on the picture to follow the link.

An example of interpretation is following:

  1. (Under conditions when/If) given pictures/drawings (column 1)
  2. of/referring to unspecified categories (column 2),
  3. student will (behave to) invent categories (column 3)
  4. by observing, specifying and sorting attributes (column 4),
  5. with no time limits, but high correlation when others use concept (column 5),
  6. which will be shown by -.

Now when the learning objective is fully defined, a learning presentation should be designed. According to Merrill, all cognitive matter can and should be presented as a sequence of discrete presentations composed out of primary and secondary presentation forms. Primary presentation forms are:

Primary Presentation Forms. Source: Merrill, M. David. The Descriptive Component Display Theory. In Merrill, M. David, and David Twitchell. Instructional design theory, p. 112. Educational Technology, 1994. Click on the picture to follow the link.

  • expository5) presentation of a generality (rules, EG)
  • expository presentation of instances (examples, Eeg)
  • inquisitory6) generalities (recall, IG)
  • inquisitory instances (practice, Leg)

Merrill's secondary presentation forms include prerequisites objectives, helps, mnemonics and feedback.

A successful instructional design should include primary and secondary presentation forms, depending on content/performance goal. The learner should also be provided with a number of examples he wants.


A number of limitations of component display theory were described by Merrill himself7):

  • Content analysis focuses on components, rather than integrated wholes. Each phase of instructional development is performed independently of other phases.
  • It does not really address the issues of knowledge acquisition.
  • The resulting instruction is often passive and teaches components but not integrated knowledge and skills.
  • An instructional designer must build every presentation from fundamental components.

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instructional_design/component_display_theory.1299835934.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 17:49 (external edit)