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Concept Mapping


Concept mapping is a cognitivist learning model in Joseph Novak's words described as “a visual representation of the relationships between concepts held by an individual, materials of a lecture, textbook, or laboratory exercise.”

What is concept mapping?

Concept maps should help both sides in the educational process to learn more meaningfully.

Novak describes the concept map building process in following steps:

  • Identification of key concepts of the material
  • Ranking the concepts by placing most important ones at the top of the map
  • Adding other concepts under the main ones
  • Connection of concepts by lines and labeling those connections with linking words
  • If desired specific examples of concepts can also be added below concept labels

An example of a concept map about concept maps can be found here.


instructional_design/concept_mapping.1299598043.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 17:49 (external edit)