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Problem-Based Learning


Problem-based learning is a constructivist instructional strategy. One of the first and most commonly cited examples of problem-based learning was introduced in 1960s medical education in Canada. It suggests learning will be more effective if learners are faced with a real-life practical problem they need to solve and

  • … empowers learners to conduct research, integrate theory and practice, and apply knowledge and skills to develop a viable solution to a defined problem.1)

What is problem-based learning?

In the 1960s at the McMaster University in Canada it was noted that medical education students were mostly bored during their classes, until they reached a stage where they were supposed to work with patients and try to help them solve their problems. It was then decided that biomedical problems, analyzed in small groups would be introduced into whole educational process, what remained a practice until today2) and has also spread to other medical schools as well as other fields like nursing, law, engineering, management, business administration and other3)4).

Although problem-based learning can be implemented on a variety of ways, its main characteristics are the following5):

  • Problem-based learning is a learner-oriented approach. “Under the guidance of a tutor… the students must take responsibility for their own learning, identifying what they need to know to better understand and manage the problem on which they are working and determining where they will get that information…6)
  • Learning occurs in small groups with usually 5-8 members and collaboration with other learners is necessary.
  • Teacher has the role of a facilitator. Not by correcting students or providing them knowledge and guidance but by asking questions that the learners should be asking themselves in order to better understand the subject and by encouraging them to apply their knowledge.
  • New (possibly interdisciplinary) information is acquired through self-directed learning and has to be applied on the problem.
  • The problem learners are dealing with must be similar to real-world problems, motivating and ill-defined to enable multiple hypotheses to be constructed.

A possible flow of a problem-based learning course expects the following tasks from the students:

  • be presented with a problem with characteristics described above,
  • discuss, clarify the problem (activate prior knowledge7)) and develop a plan for further working on the problem,
  • work on the problem independently and learn through self-discovery,
  • share and discuss their individual approaches and work together,
  • present their solutions to the problem, and
  • review what they have learned.

Problem-based learning can be a helpful method in the educational process, but it can also be viewed as a total education strategy8).

Different experimental results have been obtained using problem-based learning, but generally showing not much difference in declarative knowledge in students learning through problem-based design and those using classical teaching methods. Still, there is evidence that problem-based learning supports development of reasoning skills, problem-solving skills and self-directed learning skills9).

What is the practical meaning problem-based learning?

An example of problem-based learning from an introductory course in psychology10):

PBL: Little Monsters
The problem: Coming home from work, tired and in need of a hot bath, Anita, an account manager, discovers two spiders in her tub. She shrinks back, screams, and runs away. Her heart pounds, a cold sweat is coming over her. A neighbor saves her from her difficult situation by killing the little animals using a newspaper. Explain what has happened here. PBL activities: Activities begin with a discussion where unknown terms are clarified and students use their prior knowledge to describe processes underlying described phenomenon and develop theories. Issues that arise will be dealt with during individual learning. For example, students will learn about the nature of phobic fear, classical and operant conditioning in fear development, biological basis and evolutionary reasons for such responses, or treatment of phobic fears. Group will meet two or three times a week to discuss and see if students' understanding of the problem has deepened due to individual research. The tutor will stimulate discussion and monitor students' activity and contributions. Between group meetings individual learning and discovery takes place.


Problem-based learning was addressed in criticisms of Kirschner et al.11) These criticisms mostly refer to cognitive load imposed by lack of guidance, possible frustration caused by lack of knowing what is important, what should be learned and where these information can be obtained. It also ignores the proved positive effects of worked examples.

A reply to these criticisms was written by Schmidt et al.12) and Hmelo-Silver et al.13) suggesting positive characteristics/improvements to problem-based learning and compatibility of it with the human cognitive structure like:

  • activation of prior knowledge in the initial discussion of the group,
  • training students in collaboration skills before a problem-based learning curriculum to decrease cognitive load,
  • sequencing learning tasks simple to complex,
  • recommending learning materials to students when they need help,
  • scaffolding and guiding students when necessary to prevent them from losing too much time on irrelevant information.

Yet most of the proves for these thesis seem not convincing enough, the positive effect of worked examples is still ignored and even though some of the above statements could improve problem-based learning, they oppose the basic assumption that problem-based learning is self-directed14)15)

  • In a PBL approach… the tutor does not provide information related to the problem — that is the responsibility of the learners.16).

Keywords and most important names

  • Problem-based learning, PBL, discovery-learning, self-discovery


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instructional_design/problem-based_learning.1303825647.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 15:49 (external edit)