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Journals and Magazines

Journals and magazines in the following list address topics including:

  • learning and education,
  • learning and educational psychology,
  • instructional design, and
  • multimedia and advanced technologies in education.
Journal name: ISSN: eISSN: Indexed in:1) Issues per year: IF2) 5-YIF3) II4) CHL5) Eigen6) AIS7)
ACM Transactions on Computing Education 1531-4278 - Scopus
Active Learning in Higher Education 1469-7874 1741-2625 Scopus 3
American Educational Research Journal 0002-8312 1935-1011 CC 4 2.479 3.343 0.333 >10.0 0.00504 1.810
American Journal of Distance Education 0892-3647 1538-9286 Inspec 4
American Journal of Education 0195-6744 - CC 4 0.571 1.000 0.095 >10.0 0.00131 0.631
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 1449-3098 1449-5554 Inspec, SSCI 5-7 1.655 - 0.380 3.1 0.00068 -
Australian Educational Researcher 0311-6999 2210-5328 CC 3 0.268 0.424 0.000 7.2 0.00021 0.106
British Journal of Educational Technology 0007-2023 1467-8535 CC 6
Computers and Education 0360-1315 - CC 4 2.617 2.868 0.469 3.3 0.00596 0.460
Computers in Human Behavior 0747-5632 - CC 6 1.865 2.304 0.452 4.2 0.00690 0.550
Educational Psychologist 0046-1520 1532-6985 CC, SSCI 4 1.722 5.217 1.320 9.4 0.00354 1.973
Educational Psychology Review 1040-726X 1573-336X CC 4 3.4775.1560.0008.20.003521.877
Educational Researcher 0013-189X 1935-102X Scopus 9
Educational Technology & Society 1176-3647 1436-4522 Scopus 4
Electronic journal of e-learning 1479-4403 - Inspec 2-4
Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology 1696-2095 - Scopus 3
IEEE MultiMedia 1070-986X - CC 4 1.661 2.020 0.188 6.8 0.00192 0.611
IEEE Transactions on Education 0018-9359 - SCI 4 0.8221.3270.1976.80.001370.205
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 1939-1382 - SCIE 4
Instructional Science 0020-4277 1573-1952 CC 6 1.341 2.311 0.167 9.9 0.00138 0.643
International Journal of Educational Research 0883-0355 - Scopus 6
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 1863-0383 - Inspec 4
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 1753-5255 1753-5263 Inspec 6
Journal of College Teaching & Learning 1544-0389 2157-894X
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 0266-4909 1365-2729 CC 6 1.313 2.060 0.073 5.5 0.00176 0.424
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 0731-9258 - Inspec
Journal of Computing and Information Technology 1330-1136 1846-3908 Inspec 4
Journal of Educational Psychology 0022-0663 1939-2176 CC 4 2.730 4.585 0.254 >10.0 0.01137 1.756
Journal of Educational Technology Systems 0047-2395 1541-3810 Inspec 4
Journal of the Learning Sciences 1050-8406 1532-7809 CC 4 1.767 5.114 0.533 9.3 0.00248 1.702
The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 CC 6 1.157 1.926 0.345 >10.0 0.00309 1.177
Journal of Universal Computer Science 0948-695x 0948-6968 CC ~20 0.6690.7880.0624.50.002340.181
Learning and Instruction 0959-4752 - CC 6 2.372 3.088 1.475 6.9 0.00348 0.862
Metacognition and Learning 1556-1623 1556-1631 Scopus 3
Multimedia Systems 0942-4962 1432-1882 SCI 6 1.176 1.021 0.160 7.1 0.00118 0.316
Research in Higher Education Journal 1941-3432 - 4
Review of Educational Research 0034-6543 1935-1046 CC, SSCI 4 3.127 5.664 0.167 >10.0 0.00597 2.514
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 1475-939X 1747-5139 Inspec 3
The International Journal of Learning 1447-9494 - Scopus
The Journal of Experimental Education 0022-0973 1940-0683 CC 4 1.000 1.410 0.083 >10.0 0.00107 0.662
The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning - 1492-3831 Scoups
Databases were searched in the following order: Current Contents (CC), Science Citation Index (SCI), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Scopus, Inspec. The first database indexing the target journal was listed.
Impact Factor for 2009. Impact Factor measures how often articles in a specific journal have been cited. The total number of quotes during a year of the two immediately preceding years' issues. In this case, it is the number of quotations in 2009 of the “citable items” (articles, reviews, proceedings, or notes) published in selected journal in 2007 and 2008, weighed against the total number of “citable items” published in 2007 and 2008 in the same journal. Source.
5-Year Impact Factor
Immediacy Index. Immediacy Index measures the average number of times that an article, published in a specific year within a specific journal, is cited over the course of the same year. Source.
Cited Half-life. Cited Half-life measures the number of years, going back from the current year, that account for half the total citations received by the cited journal in the current year. Source.
Eigenfactor Score. With all else equal, a journal's Eigenfactor score doubles when it doubles in size. Source.
Article Influence Score. Article Influence Score scales Eigenfactor score by the number of articles published by the journal and thus is directly comparable to impact factor.
journals/journals.1315481662.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 17:49 (external edit)