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Our publications

  • Pale, Predrag; Petrović, Juraj; Jeren, Branko. Assessing the learning potential and students’ perception of rich lecture captures. Journal of computer assisted learning. (2013, accepted for publishing)
  • Petrović, Juraj; Jeren, Branko; Pale, Predrag. Concept maps in computer-assisted knowledge assessment. MIPRO, 2013 Proceedings of the 36th International Convention.
  • Petrović, Juraj; Pale, Predrag; Tralić, Dijana. An Automatized Case-Based Cognitive Skills Assessment Approach. PROCEEDINGS ELMAR-2013, Zagreb, 2013.
  • Jagar, Mario; Petrović, Juraj; Pale, Predrag. AuResS: The Audience Response System. PROCEEDINGS ELMAR-2012, Zadar, 2012.
our_publications.1388747322.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/19 15:49 (external edit)